You may remember last week when we brought you this German trailer for The Avengers that featured brand new snippets from the film. Now a Russian version has come online and it features brand new glimpses at Loki, Black Widow and Tony Stark.

You’ll start to notice footage you saw in the German trailer around :41 and the brand new footage (including what appears to be the preceding conversation before Loki throws Tony Stark out of Stark Tower) starts at 1:04.

0:41 ->
Widow: You have to join!
Banner: And what if I say no?
Widow: Then I will convince you to!
0:47 ->
Stark: Let’s just look who we got here. We have some super assassins! A man with breathtaking anger management problems! A Demigod! A Super Soldier! And…me!
1:05 ->
Loki: I have an army
Stark: We have a Hulk
1:32 ->
Widow: We weren’t trained for this
1:38 ->
Thor: You have no idea who you are dealing with!

Thanks to CBM for the video and a portion of the Russian translation! Without the translations, we fear that this may have been us:

So what do you think? When do you think the English international trailer will hit? Will it only feature a few extra scenes or should we look forward to a completely new preview?