We won’t likely officially know the Star Wars: Episode VII plot for some time, but if a new rumor is accurate, we might finally know it, unofficially.

This morning, Badass Digest published what they’re hearing is the plot of Star Wars: Episode VII. We have no way of knowing if the plot description is accurate, but we’re sure that Badass Digest wouldn’t be making it up. They have assured the following plot is from real sources.

The following description is a potential spoiler, but it doesn’t give anything major away. Here it is:

Imagine the standard Star Wars crawl, and when it ends the camera pans up to the stars. But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see… a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber.

That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I’m keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people.

Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren’t flying around in the Millenium Falcon anymore but are piloting… well, that could be a spoiler. I’ll leave it. Anyway, Han and Chewie recognize the light saber as Luke’s, and they say they haven’t seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.

So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems…

In certain ways, this plot description does sound believable. Luke’s cut off hand appearing at the beginning would directly connect Episode VII to The Empire Strikes Back, the movie widely regarded as the best in the entire Star Wars saga. The plot is also very similar to Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, something that, if true, is obviously intentional. A story like this would make Episode VII familiar in a good way, and it would also allow them to have a good leaping off point.

But, when we think about it, we’ve got a bad feeling about this. The feeling is one of confusion as this plot description just doesn’t make any sense. Even if we could accept the fact that Luke just went missing after Return of the Jedi, the whole hand floating in space plot point is impossible to believe. There’s no way a hand could have survived the trip through even one atmosphere, and it shouldn’t have even been possible for it to leave Bespin, a gas giant. If the hand had even managed to escape Cloud City somehow, it should have just fallen into Bespin’s core.

If we had to make a guess, we’d guess that this was a fake plot that was intentionally leaked out to keep people talking about the movie. It doesn’t make sense as an actual plot to the movie, and we can’t imagine that it’s real.

Do you think this ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ plot is real?