Roswell, New Mexico season 2, episode 11 delivered a huge twist in the town’s biggest mystery.

We’ve been desperate to know what’s been going on with the abductions and Deep Sky conspiracies in Roswell, New Mexico all season, and we got some huge pieces of the puzzle in season 2, episode 11. We’re still not sure exactly who we can trust, but after this episode, there are a few characters we definitely can’t.

It looks like there’s really no level that Helena Ortecho won’t stoop to. She’s moved from stealing to the far more formidable crimes of kidnapping and extortion. There’s always the likely possibility that she’s also being extorted by Deep Sky, but when she’s putting Michael and Alex in danger, I can’t muster much sympathy for her.

Deep Sky wants Guerin’s genius alien brain to build a bomb out of the funky space material that he’s been working with for years, and they’re using Alex to convince him. Since Guerin has a heart of gold and a brain worth its weight in it, he’ll have no choice but to comply. This boy needs to be rescued ASAP!

Even though one of my favorite parts of Roswell, New Mexico season 2, episode 11 was watching Michael tussle with the Manes men (second only to Michael talking about how loving Alex made him believe in humanity), I hope Flint eventually takes his advice and helps him save his brother. Jesse’s potential redemption was all but rendered impossible in this episode, so it would be nice to have one Manes come over to the good side in season 2.

Now that the unlikely dream duo of Max and Kyle have figured Flint out, he’ll need to be held accountable for his actions, at the very least. I really loved how Max was trying to help Kyle out in Roswell, New Mexico season 2, episode 11. Kyle has gone above and beyond to help and save Max in the past, so it’s nice to see him getting some support in return.

That being said, I’m not sure how awesome their plan to return the stolen equipment was. I guess he was probably going to get caught if a criminal investigation was underway, but I’m not sure how he planned to explain why he had stolen all of that equipment. On top of that, Max and his siblings could have been put at risk if Kyle’s intent had been investigated.

It says a lot about Max’s character that he was willing to take that risk to help Kyle, if he gave it any thought at all. The question now is, will he be willing to take an even bigger risk by letting Liz save Steph? Steph’s clout seriously saved Kyle’s ass in this episode, which makes me think she’s due for some alien influenced regeneration any day now.

The conversation between Liz and Max about the experiments is definitely not over. Liz knew she was playing with fire when she began using alien DNA for her research, and now somebody’s going to get burned.

I’m nervous that Deep Sky is now going to set their sights on Liz’s research. At this point, it looks like they’re only interested in weapons, but if they did decide to shift their focus, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Of course, Deep Sky might not be the only threat in Roswell, New Mexico season 2. I’m becoming increasingly worried about Diego’s motives. And not just because he’s clearly still hot for Liz. He was getting a little too pushy with those science questions, and Liz has been way to willing to give him morsels of information. I’m very worried that she’ll eventually spill all of the tea.

They’re making it very clear that Diego works for a shady company that Liz has no interest in taking money from. The fact that he keeps pushing it on her makes me think that Generex has a good idea of what she’s doing, and an even better idea of how they want to use it.

Regardless of where Diego stands now, I really loved all of his flashback scenes with Liz. His proposal was almost too sweet and self-sacrificial, and it honestly reminded me a lot of a certain alien cowboy who we all know and love. I also loved Liz’s speech about how the world doesn’t teach girls like her to dream. It was so heartfelt and powerful. It makes me want to root for her research so hard! But then there’s the aliens… Ugh!

Liz also had another impactful speech in Roswell, New Mexico season 2, episode 11, that’s incredibly poignant for this moment in history. Somehow the ICE agent got even more disgusting in this episode, and Liz did not waste any time putting him in his place. It’s actually sickening to watch her deal with that level of racism and hatred, and I love that Roswell, New Mexico is lending the fiery Ortecho voice to this issue.

We’ve been missing the older/younger half of that voice in the last few episodes of Roswell, New Mexico, but we finally got to visit Rosa in season 2, episode 11. The trust that’s developing between her and Isobel is really cool. Letting someone into your sketchbooks is personal, but letting someone into your mind is another thing entirely. I hope we get to see Isobel open up to Rosa in a similar way soon so we can see their bond grow even more.

Rosa hearing Helena publicly wish that she didn’t have her daughter was truly heartbreaking, and lent even more context to Rosa’s struggle. I’m so glad that she’s doing well in rehab and I’m thrilled to hear Isobel offer to pay for more. Both of these women are on a really cool journey that’s currently adding a lot of much needed light to Roswell, New Mexico.

Season 2 is almost over, so I’m sure things are going to be heating up even more in the final episodes. This episode’s twist made the mystery a lot more interesting, so I can’t wait to see what happens next!