Veteran actors Robert Redford and Nick Nolte have paired up for the first time in the new buddy comedy A Walk in the Woods. Based on the bestseller by travel writer Bill Bryson, it’s a project that Redford has been trying to get off the ground for a long time and his hard work has finally paid off.

Redford stars as Bryson with Nolte in tow as his long lost friend Stephen, two men of a certain age who have lost touch over the years and are brought back together as they attempt to hike the Appalachian trail. It’s a story of friendship and courage that has enough laughs in the tank to never fully play it straight.

Redford and Nolte recently sat down with us to talk about A Walk in the Woods and their experience hiking, traveling and making movies. The following is a transcription of that conversation.

Q: Robert, as an avid naturalist and environmentalist, had you ever hiked the kind of trail depicted in the film before?

Robert Redford: I’ve hiked other trails like the Pacific Trail but not the Appalachian. That one’s not for me. (laughs)

Q: How much actual hiking did you do during the actual shoot?

Redford: Some but not as much as I would’ve liked. The thing about this film is they transported us to different parts to do our shots. In this case we had to go to Atlanta since they offered us a great production rebate but that also means everything had to be centered around Atlanta. Obviously in the movie you’re thinking these guys are walking the entire trail by themselves but we didn’t have the time or the energy for that.

Q: Movie magic, right?

Redford: Absolutely! (laughs)

Q: This film is at its core about friendship, what was your working relationship together on set and did you two bond off set as well?

Redford: My relationship with Nick was very organic. I see him as a friend and colleague so if you’re able to see that in the film then I guess we’ve succeeded.

Nick Nolte: Bob is a wonderful and genuine guy so it’s very easy to get along with him and form a great friendship. I’ve worked with some actors that have been less than friendly so it’s always great to work with someone who you can get along with.

Q: Care to share any stories?

Nolte: I would love to but then I would get in trouble. (laughs)

Q: Robert, what’s your favorite Nick Nolte film and Nick, what’s your favorite Robert Redford film?

Redford: A Walk in the Woods (laughs)

Nolte: Nice one, Bob. You stole my answer. Honestly, I always loved the films he made with Paul Newman. The Sting, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, those will always be classics to me.

Redford: If you look at Nick’s career you’ll find that it’s hard to pick just one movie. He’s done incredibly great work over the years full of comedy and pathos. There’s a recent one that I really liked, Warrior. It was a very different kind of movie for Nick and I loved it.

Nolte: Thanks Bob. I owe you a couple dollars for that one (laughs). We both have worked with some talented people on really good movies.

Q: You two have worked with Barbra Streisand.

Nolte: Yeah. That was an interesting shoot.

Q: How so?

Nolte: I plead the fifth (laughs).

Q: I’m guessing that means all actors are different?

Redford: I love actors and to me there’s no such thing as a small part. A great actor can always elevate a scene no matter how big or small the part is. I love discovering new talent and seeing what they have to offer and also working with veteran actors who I know can deliver on camera.

Q: Your work behind the camera definitely speaks to that. Reaching back to Ordinary People, Quiz Show and more recently The Conspirator and Lions For Lambs, there are always pockets in your films where actors get to shine with a monologue or flash of dialogue.

Redford: Thank you very much for saying that.

Q: Was there ever a point in time where you thought of directing this movie?

Redford: Not exactly. I’ve been a fan of Bill Bryson’s work and when the script came to me I felt more comfortable working in front of the camera. I guess I could’ve done both but with so much hiking I’m glad I only did one of the two.

Q: Gentlemen, is there something about this movie that you haven’t been asked yet and you would like to talk about?

Nolte: No. I think we’ve already covered going to the bathroom in the woods, so when you get to that point you’ve covered everything (laughs).

Redford: Nick definitely has the poop jokes covered.

Q: It seems that way.

Redford: (laughs) All kidding aside, we really did have a great time making this movie and I’m glad to be sharing it with the press and getting your take on it.

Q: Absolutely. It’s always great to see you on the big screen.

Redford: Well now you have me here in person so I hope I don’t disappoint. (laughs)

Q: Switching gears a bit, have you noticed a different fanbase start to approach you since Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out?

Redford: Oh yes. My fans are usually of a certain age but I loved working on Captain America and now when I meet fans they’re getting younger and younger and they usually have seen me in that movie.

Q: How many times have people whispered to you, “Hail Hydra?”

Redford: (laughs) Not as much as you might think but it’s always great to meet new fans.

Q: I guess it depends on the person. My first exposure to your work was in The Candidate and Jeremiah Johnson with 3 Days of the Condor not far behind.

Redford: Excuse me, what was your name again?

Q: Marco.

Redford: Marco, you have excellent taste in movies!

Q: Thank you, sir. I fell in love with movies at a young age so I try to educate myself as much as I can.

Redford: Well based on your questions you definitely know what you’re talking about.

Q: Now you’re just making me blush.

Redford: (laughs) It’s nice to have a good, honest reaction.

Q: I agree. But since you’re doing so many interviews back-to-back is there one question you wish would go away?

Redford: That’s a great question. Not really, it’s been nice talking about this movie and I really appreciate journalists like you who come prepared with great questions.

Q: Thank you again, Mr. Redford.

Redford: My pleasure.

A Walk in the Woods is now playing in theatres nationwide.