Robert Downey Jr. sat down with EW to discuss a very important scene in Iron Man 3 and explained how Tony Stark and Rhodey will compliment one another in the new Iron Man film.

When Robert Downey Jr. was asked about the changes that went into the approach to action sequences in the film due to director Shane Blacks involvement he said,

“We’ve just been talking about one sequence – the top-secret name is the Boot/Glove Sequence, I can tell you that, just between you and me – it’s where Tony only has one gauntlet and one boot and he has to escape multiple captors. It’s really fun, dude. We’re taking everything from his first gauntlet test in the first movie up through the most extreme stuff we thought up for Iron Man 2 and The Avengers and pulling on all of it and making this one big, extended challenge of physics.”

It’s interesting to hear him say that he’s left to only “one gauntlet and one boot and he has to escape multiple captors,” because it was recently revealed that Tony Stark would be left with a ragtag suit at some point in the film, out in the middle of nowhere, and he would be left with only his brain to make his way out of his troubles. This seems to tie in nicely to what we’ve been hearing about where Tony Stark will be headed in Iron Man 3.

Entertainment Weekly went on to ask Downey about what it was like to add so many new big name actors to the film and what they brought to the project. Robert went on to say that,

“Since I was just talking about Flight and Don is on my mind, I’ll start with him. Rhodey is much more in the dead center of things. He’s much more dynamic. We’ve made this decision that while Tony is a technical guy, he’s not really a trained guy. There’s a lot of fun to be had with Don because he’s really good with hardware and he’s a martial artist, so it’s been really fun exploiting this possibility of Tony having moments like the one in Avengers, like the one with Cap where he decides, “Oh screw it, he probably knows what he’s doing. So there’s a lot of that and a lot more fun and a lot more depth to Rhodey this time around.”

It seems as though Stark and Rhodey will be very close again in this film, more so than in Iron Man 2, when they somewhat butted heads for the majority of the film. He didn’t mention much about the new actors like Sir Ben Kingsly, Guy Pearce, or Rebecca Hall, but as this will be a five-part interview, we imagine we’ll be hearing much more from Entertainment Weekly’s exclusive interview with Hollywood’s biggest leading man.

EW teases that tomorrow, Robert Downey Jr. will reveal a cryptic cameo from the Avengers in Iron Man 3 (despite Marvel president Kevin Feige assuring fans that there wouldn’t be any crossover from Avengers).

Robert Downey Jr. did explain that it’s impossible not to think about how The Avengers could help him during his tough times during Iron Man 3, saying:

“The whole Avengers thing [with $1.5 billion in global box office] was such a relief and such a confirmation of [Marvel Studios President] Kevin Feige’s vision for this all along. As Kevin has put it, the next step after that is to bring in someone like Shane Black and – without pretending that the Avengers don’t exist – find a way to go back to a kind of re-investigation of Tony’s world, which he thought would be, one, fun for the audience and, two, would rock in a different way than The Avengers. But we can’t help it — everywhere you look now in every Marvel movie there are opportunities where certain new pals of his could be useful. So they’re in the atmosphere, so to speak, but I wouldn’t expect to see them on the ground in this one.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated with news from the interview, so be sure to check back tomorrow for the next piece of the interview. Iron Man 3 will hit theaters May 3, 2013.