Our friends at NextMovie recently spoke with Twilight lead Robert Pattinson who’s busy this week promoting his upcoming film Cosmopolis.

In the interview, Pattinson talks about the careful process of selecting parts to appeal to his fans:

It’s like I feel a responsibility to myself. If you’re doing stuff just purely for money, you’re probably disrespecting your audience as well. It’s not good for anyone. It’s not even really good for you. The only thing I really know is what I think I would find interesting to watch and if I try and make that, I feel like I learn a lot out of doing it and watching it. And so , I don’t know, I think I fulfilled my responsibility.

He also briefly joked about the possibility of playing a super hero, saying that he’s just not buff enough to take on that kind of role.

Read much more with Pattinson as well as director David Cronenberg over on NextMovie!

Cosmopolis hits theaters this Friday.