You can’t possibly be ready for the Riverdale mid-season finale this Wednesday, but these spoiler-free teases might help you prepare.

Season 3 of Riverdale has been the craziest yet. With so much drama building up with the Gargoyle King, Hiram Lodge, and the Farm, the mid-season finale is bound to be insane.

Well, we got to see the episode early, and we can confirm that it was just as amazing as you’d expect! Everything that this season has been leading up to came together for one of the best episodes of Riverdale to date.

We can’t tell you too much about the episode, but we can give you a few spoiler-free teases to whet your appetite. Here are a few things you can look forward to in the Riverdale mid-season finale.

1. Archie and Jughead both have two heart-warming reunions

We finally get to meet Gladys and Jellybean Jones in the Riverdale season finale, and we can tell you that it’s great to see Jughead reunite with the other half of his family. His journey with his father has been one of the highlights of the first two seasons, so it’s really interesting to see how he interacts with his mother and sister.

Jughead isn’t the only character in the mid-season finale who gets a reunion, though! Archie also reunites with two figures from his past and it makes for one of the most heart-warming scenes in the episode.

2. Cheryl and Toni share one of their best moments yet

Choni fans have been waiting the entire season to see some development between these two ladies. We heard about the epic bike trip that they took over the summer and see them playing Griffins & Gargoyles with the Serpents, but other than that, Cheryl and Toni seem to be lurking in the shadows of Riverdale season 3.

Well, they finally get their time in the sun in the mid-season finale, and fans of the ship definitely won’t be disappointed. We won’t give away what happens, but we’re hoping that it will lead to more screen time for the couple in the future.

3. The Gargoyle King appears to someone new

So far we’ve seen the Gargoyle King appear to a few characters. Betty and Jughead ran into him in the woods, Alice saw him back in her youth and in the Cooper house, and Ethel even had a creepy meeting with him.

In the mid-season finale, we see the Gargoyle King appear in front of someone new and entirely unexpected. It’s one of the most shocking moments of the episode, and could change everything moving forward.

4. Betty finds an unexpected ally

Betty is still trapped in Sisters of Quiet Mercy, and things weren’t looking great for her when we last saw her. After her escape attempt was thwarted, she was forced to take Fizzle Rocks and meet with the Gargoyle King.

Even though Ethel opposed Betty when she first arrived, they actually team up in the mid-season finale to make some waves in the creepy facility. Not even weird candy drugs can stop Betty Cooper from discovering the truth!

5. Two characters take stands against their parents

Remember that infamous Carrie moment that Cheryl pulled on her mother in season 2 with their family’s syrup? There’s an amazing callback to it in this episode. Cheryl and her mother have always had a power struggle, and with everything going on with the Gargoyle King and Penelope’s secrecy, it’s time for Cheryl to be back on top.

The feud between the Lodge’s also comes to a head in the mid-season finale, with Veronica taking an aggressive stand against her corrupt parents. The question is, will it be enough to stop the powerful Lodge couple from getting whatever it is that they’re working toward?

6. Things for Archie get darker than ever before

Archie takes a dark turn that we didn’t expect in the Riverdale season 3 mid-season finale. That’s all we’ll say about this one!

7. An old villain returns

A character who has terrorized the town in the past returns, and thanks to Jughead’s mom, it could be for the last time…