David Rambo, the executive producer of Revolution, recently revealed some interesting information and previews what will come this Monday! Mild spoilers ahead!

In the recent interview with TV Line, David Rambo talked about “Nobody’s Fault But Mine,” the fall finale of Revolution. He mentions the meeting with Miles and Monroe. According to him, we will be seeing them go at it – both with words and with swords.

He revealed that as we saw in Miles’ hallucination on last week’s episode of Revolution, Monroe will be asking Miles to return to the militia. Miles does want to return and it gives him a stronger sense of identity. He said, “He also had a much stronger sense of identity when he was in the militia and building something and had the respect and force [and] the might of a fighting force to command.”

We were not only teased with information regarding their meeting, but we are also going to see a lot of backstory on the Matheson brothers. The episode will go deeply into the bond formed by the brothers due to a not-yet-known childhood crisis that they have both faced together.

Rambo also gave out some information regarding the Rachel subplot. He stated that the device was indeed a bomb and that she was trying to sabotage Monroe.

He stated, “She spared herself because now he really does need her,” suggesting that because of the stabbing, she is now completely vital to Monroe’s operation. He continued, saying, “The stakes are a lot higher. She’s going to be watched and guarded, building what he needs her to build.”

Lastly, Rambo gave a few quick little morsels of knowledge. We will be seeing Jason again on Monday. Also, the episode, although answering some questions, will end with a huge cliffhanger.

What is coming in the second half of the season? Rambo teased that we will end up seeing some of the other Republics, and they will be an integral part of the show when Revolution returns in March.

Will you be watching the Fall finale of Revolution this Monday?