Revenge‘s mid-season 4 premiere, “Epitaph,” just aired! Let’s see what happened tonight with our favorite South Hampton residents.

Revenge starts off where the finale left us. David and Victoria run next door to Daniel’s dead body. Emily informed them of Kate’s true identity. David is upset because Malcolm Black is a very dangerous man and now they’re all going to die! Muah-ha-ha! Not really, but he freaked them all out.

They can’t let Malcolm know that his daughter is dead so they make it seem like Daniel attacked Emily and Emily killed Daniel in self defense. Emily flubs up the story a bit to the police but it’s because she’s a bit shaken.

Ben is sure to notice something. He does let them know that she isn’t being booked but he tells Jack that he knows she’s shady.

Can we really blame him? We’d find her shady too!

Chief Alvarez tries to speak with Victoria but David doesn’t allow it. The Chief thinks they’re up to something too.

Nolan reverse time stamped a call from Emily’s phone to help her story and he sent Kate’s phone to Miami — after cloning it of course. Daddy will think that Kate is having a nice vacation while they have all her information.

After a serious fight between the former love birds, David brings Victoria over to Emily’s. He wants her to stay there so she doesn’t get questioned about Daniel’s death.

Margaux stops by and Victoria consoles her. She doesn’t believe the story about Daniel attacking Emily. Victoria tells Margaux that she believes Emily but Margaux runs off to tell the police anyway.

Nolan and Jack have to remove Kate’s belongings from her hotel room. Jack then meets Emily at the precinct because she’s wanted for more questioning.

As David is getting rid of Kate’s body he’s pulled over by Chief Alvarez. He calls David a “sketchy son-of-a-bitch.” Good thing David had already gotten rid of her body.

Louise visits Victoria and Victoria asks for her help in stealing an envelope from Nolan’s house.

Ben questions Emily on the fact that Daniel had no alcohol in his system and no scratches or bruises. He then tells Emily that Margaux is pregnant with Daniel’s child and she becomes emotional and convinces Ben that she killed him in self defense.

Nolan, Emily, David and Victoria are tracking flights from Kate’s cloned phone and the one nearest them just routed to Florida… where Kate’s supposed to be. David is planning that to be Malcolm’s last stop, indefinitely.

Margaux then stops by again. She tells Emily that she’s making it her life’s journey to see her pay for what she’s done. She doesn’t want Emily at Daniel’s funeral.

As David heads out to the funeral Emily asks him what his end game is. He tells her that if Daniel’s death hadn’t occurred, they’d be at Victoria’s funeral instead.

Louise lets Victoria know after Daniel’s funeral that she retrieved the envelope from Nolan’s but Victoria wants her to destroy it. Was that really the best decision leaving that in a psycho’s hands? Although we have no idea what’s in the envelope.

Nolan tells David that there was bloodshed in Miami and David says that everyone should sleep well tonight.

Yeah. Right.

An FBI agent asks Chief Alvarez about Kate’s whereabouts. He says she was working closely with Jack Porter. The Chief gets suspicious and the FBI agent reveals himself as Malcolm Black. We totally saw that coming and now Jack is going to be sought after.

Malcolm stabs Chief Alvarez in the neck and we assume he’s dead. We wonder how that sleep is going to be for David now…

What did you think of the mid-season 4 premiere of ‘Revenge’?