Need a refresher before The Originals season 2 premieres tonight on the CW? Have no fear! We are here to help. Check out a brief rundown of all the info you could possibly need.

It’s hard to remember where we left off last May when The Originals wrapped up its very successful first season. So, we did a little digging, and here’s what we found about where each of the characters were and what they were up to the last time we saw them.


Cami, while mourning the death of her uncle, stumbled across a secret apartment with an even more secret closet of weapons that can be used against supernatural creatures. Her uncle left her everything she could need to defend herself against the vampires, werewolves, and witches in the Quarter. She showed Davina and Marcel, hoping they could find something to use against Klaus to repay him for biting all Marcel’s men and leaving them to die. The next time we see Cami, she is visiting the memorial for everyone who died in the battle that just ensued, and when she sees the plaque made for baby Hope, she runs to find Klaus. When he tells her that the baby did indeed die, she blames herself for not discovering Francesca’s true lineage (her family are the Guerrera werewolf line) sooner. Klaus then tells Cami they cannot be friends because he doesn’t want to see her destroyed by his demons.


Davina showed up at Mikaelson mansion to find that Marcel and Josh had both been bitten by Klaus, infected by the werewolf venom, and left to die. She remembers that Klaus bled in the street, and she runs to collect as much of his blood to give to those bitten. She is only able to collect a half a cup of the miracle substance, and Marcel insists that she give it to Josh. She is then escorted by Cami and Marcel to Cami’s closet of magical weapons in order to find something to use against Klaus. Davina finds a throwing star that has been said to cause a thousand cuts with a single throw. Marcel takes it to use against his former friend. The next time we see Davina, she is hovering over a spellbook and trying to bring Mikael back. She uses the power of the rare occurrence that is Baby Hope, and she successfully raises Mikael from the dead. Mikael has plans to kill Baby Hope himself, but Davina was smarter and linked them with a spell so she could have control over him. She forces him to remain hidden in the same attic she was, to be used as a weapon when she needs him.


Elijah ran to the church to find Hayley already dead, and Klaus grieving his loss. He asks Klaus how this could have happened, and all Klaus could say was that he was ‘bested.’ They both realize they have time to save Baby Hope, and then run off to do just that. They arrive at the graveyard to find the witches before they can kill Hope, but they realize the witches have cast a spell that makes the graveyard even more of a maze than it was before. They are doomed to keep walking one part of the cemetery over and over again, keeping them away from the ritual. Elijah loses a bit of his ever-present cool, and confronts Klaus about how, after all his years of solitude, he finally let Hayley into his heart. He tells his brother that he has broken him. Hayley arrives soon after and both Mikaelson brothers are surprised to see her. Hayley saves her baby, and then they all discuss what should be done to keep Hope safe. Elijah suggests fortifying the mansion, but it’s Hayley that comes up with the only solution that could possibly keep the baby safe.


Hayley wakes from a tender dream about Klaus feeling the baby kick in her belly to discover that the witches are holding her down as she gives birth. When the baby is safely in her arms, Hayley’s throat is cut by Monique and the baby is ripped from her grasp to be used as a sacrifice in a few hours’ time when the moon fades into the morning sun. Hayley dies as Klaus looks on. Elijah and Klaus grieve her loss together before rushing off to try to save Baby Hope. Hayley reawakens thanks to Baby Hope’s hybrid blood in her system, and runs off to join the brothers and save her daughter from the witches. Klaus tells her she will need to feed on Hope’s blood in order to make the conversion to hybrid complete. Hayley finds the witches despite their best attempts to thwart her and saves the baby from their spell. Back at the Mikaelson mansion, all parties discuss how best to keep Baby Hope safe. Hayley is the one that decides she must be sent away with a trusted friend while the rest of them remain behind to clean up the mess they have made of the Quarter. Klaus and Elijah agree to this plan in order to keep Hope safe. Hayley then feeds upon the smallest amount of Hope’s blood possible via a pinprick of her finger, and the transition is complete. Hayley is now a hybrid.


Klaus watches in horror as the witches birth his child into the world, slit Hayley’s throat, and take his baby from him. He grieves his loss until Elijah shows up. They realize they can stop the witches and save Hope from their spell, but they will have to hurry. Klaus and Elijah arrive at the cemetery to find it pretty much hopeless thanks to some spells concocted to keep the Original brothers far away from where the spell is actually taking place. Hayley shows up, very much alive, and is able to stop the spell before Hope is harmed, thanks to Marcel. They meet back at the mansion, where Marcel apologizes to Klaus for bringing Mikael to the Quarter many years ago. Klaus forgives him because he saved the baby. While discussing how to best keep Hope safe, Klaus suggests faking Hope’s death so that no one will come looking for her. He has a brief meeting with Cami in which she blames herself for Hope’s death. He assures her that it was her fault least of all and then tells her that it would be best if she stayed away from him. He doesn’t want his demons to destroy her. Klaus arranges for Rebekah to take the baby away from all the horrors of New Orleans and keep her safe until they can extricate themselves from the mess they’ve created. Klaus has an incredibly beautiful moment with his child before he hands her off to his sister for safe-keeping.


Marcel has werewolf venom in his system, and unless he gets Klaus’ blood to cure it, he will die. Davina collects blood from the street where Klaus bled, but it is only enough to save one. Marcel insists that she give it to Josh. Marcel is ready to go find Klaus and even the score. Before he can get far, though, Cami tells him that she might be able to help. Cami shows Marcel and Davina her closet of crazy witch weapons, and Davina finds a throwing star that will cause a thousand cuts. Marcel takes it and says he wants to make Klaus bleed. Marcel shows up at the cemetery just in time to use the throwing star against Monique and save Baby Hope from the witches’ spell. Marcel takes the baby to the mansion to discover that all his friends are dead. He and Klaus have a heart-to-heart in which Marcel apologizes for bringing Mikael to the Quarter all those years ago. Klaus agrees to forgive Marcel and hands over his own blood to repay him for saving the baby. All parties agree that Hope must be sent away and her death must be faked in order to keep her safe. Marcel meets up with Francesca and they decide to frame Oliver for the baby’s murder, which will put him and Klaus against each other. Our final moments with Marcel in season 1 show him agreeing to be compelled to forget about Baby Hope’s survival in exchange for a couple of vials of Klaus’ blood.

Make sure to tune in to The Originals season 2 premiere tonight at 8 p.m. on the CW!