Ubisoft is giving away free digital copies of Rayman Origins to players who tune in to at least a half hour of a Rayman 2 speedrun.

Rayman Origins is a 2011 title that has seen releases for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, PC and 3DS. Now, the action platforming title is yours for the taking if you link your Uplay account to your Twitch profile before watching the live stream.

The speedrun, where streamer Glackum will attempt to break a world record for how fast he can race toward the end of the game, will take place directly before Ubisoft’s E3 2019 press conference, which airs on June 10 at 1 p.m. Glackum’s speedrun will start at 10:30 a.m., and will likely run the entire time up until Ubisoft’s conference begins.

Glackum is a previous world record holder for the Rayman 2 speedrun, but he was recently usurped by another player, adding higher stakes to his publisher-promoted performance. Will Gackum be able to make a new WR under so much pressure?

Even if you’re not looking to get the copy of Rayman Origins or if you’re not interested in Rayman 2 speedruns as a niche, this will still be a pretty cool feat to tune into.

The speedrunning community has largely operated outside the realms of publisher’s interests, with the annual Awesome Games Done Quick marathon being the most popular means to tune into the best of the best speedrunners. With Ubisoft acknowledging the hard work and niche interest behind their 1999 PlayStation title, this may just pave the way for more speedrunner being noticed by the developers for the games that they study and train so hard on.

The E3 2019 show kicks off on Sunday, June 9 with Microsoft’s Xbox briefing at 4 p.m., and then continues on with the PC Gaming Show on June 10 at 1 p.m. The Square Enix conference follows the Ubisoft one at 8 p.m., and the E3 2019 Nintendo Direct closes out the convention on June 12 at 12 p.m.