A trailer for Rayman Legends has leaked that showcases the Wii U’s graphical power and touch controls.

The video shows roughly two minutes of the game running on the Wii U. Rayman Legends appears to be a follow-up to last year’s Rayman Origins.

The Wii U’s controller will have the ability to act as a separate screen during co-op gameplay as shown in the video.

Also shown is the console’s NFC compatibility which acts similar to the Spyro Skylanders toys. Players will be able to place a model on the controller’s touch screen to conjure an in-game model.

Ubisoft has released a statement about the leaked video stating that the game is real but that it does not represent the final product. The full statement reads:

An internal video showing images of Rayman Origins’ sequel has leaked over the Internet. This video was intended as a purely internal demonstrative video, and in NO way represents the final game, the final console or their features. This video was destined for internal production teams who often create game prototypes with work in progress development kits. Ubisoft confirms the development of Rayman Legends handled by Michel Ancel and his team in Montpellier.

The video has since been taken down from YouTube, but Joystiq managed to grab it before Ubisoft could remove it. It can be found below.