Seven years ago tomorrow Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released, and with the new book came several departures and deaths of our favorite characters. Do you remember who all died, and how? Take the quiz to find out!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was one of the saddest books in the series, if not the saddest, with the departure of so many of our favorite characters. Given that tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of the book’s publication, and the end to one of the most beloved children’s series of all time, we thought it appropriate to see how many of you can remember those tear-jerking moments.

Disclaimer: Not all of the deaths in this quiz specifically occurred at the actual Battle of Hogwarts, but they were mentioned in Deathly Hallows. Remember that before you ask us about why certain characters are included!

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So how did you do? Were you able to remember all of the deaths from that last installment of the Harry Potter series? Let us know in the comments below!

And be sure to check out our other Harry Potter quizzes:
Are you smart enough to be friends with Hermione Granger?
How obsessed are you with Harry Potter?

How many deaths did you remember?