How gleeky are you? Our Glee quiz series continues with the second arc of Glee’s first season.

With Glee’s final season midway through production, we’re getting all nostalgic and taking you back to the start for a collection of quizzes to see how much you remember about the early days of the beloved musical phenomenon.

Tying into Glee Chat’s current “Flashbacks” project, where our podcast hosts have been rewatching and reviewing old episodes right from the beginning in the lead up to the season 6 premiere and Glee’s series finale, we’ll be digging up some tricky trivia for you with a bi-weekly Glee quiz series, stretching from season 1 to season 5.

These quizzes are designed to separate the Rachel Berrys from the Tina Cohen Changs of this world – the Glee fandom has been one of the hugest and most passionate of all time, and they’re renowned for poring over every single detail.

It’s time for the “back 9” – remember that long, torturous hiatus over winter 2009, when Glee was everyone’s favorite show and all we wanted was more, now, immediately? What we got was the fabulous Jesse St James, the discovery of Rachel’s mom, Madonna, Gaga, Neil Patrick Harris, a lot of Hummel/Hudson action, and the eventual birth of Quinn’s baby, plus the club’s make-or-break performance at Regionals. Whew!

Rekindle your inner Gleek and take our quiz to find out just how much you remember about once-long-awaited conclusion of Glee’s first season.

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How did you do?

You can check out all of Hypable’s quizzes here. We’ve got some to test your Harry Potter knowledge, your Doctor Who expertise, and even one to test how much you really know about Dylan O’Brien.