Oh, Robert Baratheon! If anyone’s the king of spreading his seed, it’s the jolly drunkard who’s got little royal bastards cozied up on every corner of the continent.

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Each of Robert’s kids are as different in character as they are similar in sharing his signature, striking good looks. With blue eyes that sparkle, black hair that shines, and personalities that pop right off the page, no wonder the crazy kids strike fear in the hearts of incest-prone Lannisters everywhere, while stealing the hearts of world-weary Starks all the same.

So take our quiz! And find out which loveable Baratheon bastard is most like you…

Fans of George RR Martin’s epic A Song of Ice and Fire series love getting to see Robert’s kids unintentionally carrying on his hunting and whoring legacy throughout the books. Spread out throughout the novels like Baratheon easter eggs left for us to find, Robert’s bastards pop up when we least expect them, playing surprisingly important roles that would make their papa proud.

From Mya Stone, Robert’s first and favorite, to baby Barra whom he never met, each bastard has a rich personality that gives him or her a fighter’s spirit, and a warrior’s heart. And whether the battle’s on the field or in the bedroom, odds are we ought to bet on the one with Baratheon blood.

Do you think the Baratheon Bastard you got matches your personality? Some are stubborn, some are flirty, but all of them are something FIERCE.

Embrace the fury!

Tell us: Which Baratheon Bastard are you?

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