You’re not as TV savvy as you think you are until you ace this quiz.

We’ve all been there before. You start watching a new show and you love it. But it’s no fun when it’s just you watching it. You want your friend to watch too. Naturally they’re going to ask you what the show is about. Now it’s on you to convince them. The pressure is on. This is your one chance, don’t screw it up!

You struggle with your words. You want to sell it as best as you can, but you don’t want to spoil anything either. Oftentimes the words that come out first are hasty, and not thought out. You say something vague, odd, and/or compare it to another show.

It’s a bad description for a first attempt. You haven’t really said enough about the show, just a couple of keywords and an unclear plot description. You shake your head, disappointed with yourself as you see the interest in your friend’s eyes fade.

So maybe you’re not the best at describing a show, but how well can you guess a TV show from a bad description? The knowledge is there, somewhere in your brain, even if the words are difficult to get out. All those hours put in watching television and blogging about every detail were not for nothing. It matters now. The stakes are… Well they’re not that high, but bragging rights is always good motivation, and it’s a good ego boost.

Take the quiz below and see how well you know some of TV’s most popular shows. You might even find that a description or two that matches how you’ve explained a show before!

How many TV shows did you guess?