The Magicians season 3 finale is quickly approaching and we have a bunch of questions that need resolving before everything wraps up.

Season 3 of The Magicians has almost completely revolved around the quest to retrieve the seven keys of magic. Our magicians have chased dragons, belted out some Bowie, pissed off a few ghosts, and even exploded some cats along the way. But at least their efforts were worth it, seeing as they were able to collect all seven keys.

Naturally, we’re all wondering what’s next. Will they actually be able to complete the quest and unlock magic? And if they are successful, what will the catch be? Because there is always a catch…

Those are just the most obvious questions though. Throughout the season there have been loose ends strewn everywhere and we have a lot of lingering material that needs to be tied up before things end this year. Here are a few of the miscellaneous questions floating around that need resolved ASAP.

What is in the castle at the end of the world?

Again, we know the kids have all seven keys to unlock magic, which means they’re entering the castle at the end of the world one way or another. That’s about the only guarantee we have regarding the season 3 finale. But once they get into the ’castle’, we have no idea what in the world they’re going to find. With a show like The Magicians it could literally be anything. So strap in one way or another.

Where is Poppy?

So yeah, remember Poppy? Because we haven’t forgotten about her. Has she just completely and shamelessly bailed…? It’s definitely her style. But at the same time, why introduce this super interesting badass character with no endgame? She has to be coming back at some point right? Do we think we’ll see her again before this season ends?

What does Margo’s fairy eye DO?

Margo got her eye back everyone! Well… Not her eye exactly. It’s a fairy eye transplant. And apparently it sees cool new shit that the human eye can’t. What that means for Margo or the larger story we have no idea, but it’s got to mean something big. I smell a low key game changer coming. Whether it pays off this season or the next is the only real question to he had.

What’s going to happen when the two Penny’s meet?

The second that Penny from timeline 23 showed up we all knew it was going to have major consequences for Penny from timeline 40. However, those effects haven’t really played out yet. The two haven’t encountered each other and our Penny doesn’t even know alternative!Penny exists. When they do eventually clash, it’s sure to have interesting repercussions. We need resolutions – fast.

What happened to Marina?

Speaking of alternate timeline people, am I the only one who remembers that Marina also bolted into timeline 40? Like, she’s definitely existing in our world and it feels super strange that no one has even mentioned her in passing. Things happen off screen in this show all the time but this seems like a pretty big detail to just blow past. Regardless of which timeline you’re in you should never underestimate Marina. So… Someone look into this please.

Why does Cassandra look like Alice?

Just – why?

Does Julia’s God power have any limits?

Throughout the season Julia’s spark of magic has been growing at a substantial rate. From one episode to the next her abilities have become more remarkable and they somehow seem to be tied to her morality. With every selfless move she makes, it seems as though her magic is amplified equally. If she continues down this path, is there any limit to her power?

Why is Hades so invested in Penny?

In episode 10, “The Art of the Deal,” the God Hades introduced himself to Penny. He claims that if Penny stays in the underworld then he has an incredible future ahead of him. Which is fine or whatever. Much weirder things have happened in The Magicians. What’s particularly curious however is why Hades would be invested in Penny in the first place. What skin does he have in the game and why would he feel the need to nudge Penny along? Questions, questions…

What is ‘The Quickening’?

In episode 11 of The Magicians Dick!Josh from timeline 23 mentioned that something called “the quickening” was coming for him. Which means it’s coming for our Josh as well. Dick!Josh never bothered to share any specifics about what the quickening actually is, so that’s super helpful. But it was clearly something that made his hair rise up on end – and not in a good way. So. Yay… We have that to look forward to.

What do you need answered during the season finale of ‘The Magicians’?

Season 3 of The Magicians will come to a close April 5 at 9 p.m. EST. But don’t worry if every question you have isn’t resolved by the end of the season. Luckily, we still have all of season 4 to get these details cleared up!