Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival this week, director Quentin Tarantino revealed that he is interested in creating a Django Unchained miniseries.

The four-part series would be made up of footage shot during Django Unchained that was left on the cutting room floor. The material can’t be used in an extended version of the movie, Tarantino says, because audiences don’t want to sit through a four-hour movie. The theatrical version of the film is 180 minutes (3 hours).

“I have about 90 minutes worth of material with Django,” Tarantino said in comments published by USA Today. “It hasn’t been seen. My idea, frankly, is to cut together a four-hour version of Django Unchained.

“But I wouldn’t show it like a four hour movie. I would cut it up into hour chapters. Like a four-part mini-series. And show it on cable television. Show it like an hour at a time, each chapter. We’d use all the material I have and it wouldn’t be an endurance test. It would be a mini-series. And people love those,” the director said.

Tarantino argues that a mini-series would be received much better than an extended film. “People roll their eyes at a four-hour movie. But a four-hour mini-series that they like, then they are dying to watch all four parts. That’s how I thought it could work.”

Django Unchained hit theaters in December 2012 and starred Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington.

Would you see a ‘Django’ miniseries, or is it time for Tarantino to move on?

We could definitely see HBO or Showtime being interested in picking this up. Only a cable channel on the levels of those two would be prepared to depict the gore and nudity found in Django.