Now that we know who’s responsible for the Quantico attacks, it’s fun to look back on the clues that they hid in plain sight.

When Liam wasn’t being a sketchy FBI Agent, he was a teacher and advisor to Alex and her classmates. He was always delivering speeches that offered wise and poignant words to the students, and a soothing voice over highlight reels of important moments at the end of almost every episode of Quantico.

Related: Quantico season 1, episode 21 review: And the terrorist is…

In retrospect, some of these words carried a lot more meaning than it once seemed. It’s interesting to look back on what this diabolical mastermind must have really been thinking as he imparted his wisdom on the trainees, both in the classroom setting, and in his private conversations with them. He’s a pretty smart guy, so he was usually pretty covert about any hidden meaning, but there were a few times when he threw subtlety to the wind and may as well have been wearing a shirt that said, “I’m the traitor, look at me!”

Related: Quantico poll: Were you satisfied with the reveal of the traitor?

We’re taking a look at some of Liam’s least subtle moments, and what he was really saying if you read between the lines.

Episode 2 – ‘America’

Translation: Do not trust me. When I say that Alex Parrish is a terrorist, it definitely means that I’m actually the terrorist.

In this episode of Quantico, Liam has the NATs look for clues in the “reconstructed” rooms of criminals. Everyone comes up with great clues, but Alex discovers that all of the clues were planted by Liam, and he’s the real criminal in the scenario. Liam’s quote is accented by Alex’s line: “Information is only worth anything if you trust the source that it came from.”

These scenes are directly set against the initial scenes of the investigation into Alex, following the Grand Central bombings. It was Liam (through Elias) who called in the tip that one of the NATs was responsible, although we didn’t know that at the time, and it was Liam who had the FBI begin the investigation into Alex. This investigation included going into Alex’s apartment, which was the supposed “crime scene” that Liam told them about!

Episode 5 – ‘Found’

Translation: Can you? Because I sure can, losers!

This quote preceded the exercise in which the NATs create undercover identities. Liam instructs them on how they need to know their identity inside and out, and be able to fool the people around them. He goes on to say, “if you’re going to succeed, you don’t just need [people] to believe you, you’ll need them to like you too.”

Liam successfully created a persona that was real enough to fool the entire FBI! He also managed to be likable enough to get promoted to the position of power that was necessary for him to fully carry out his plans against them.

Episode 9 – ‘Guilty’

Translation: If you’d just let yourself get caught, you’d really be doing me a solid, because then I can retain my control over you and this situation. Awesome, thanks!

Liam’s plan really starts to unravel in front of his eyes when Miranda sneaks Alex out of custody. Fortunately for Liam, with Alex being on the run, people become more convinced than ever that she’s responsible. That is, until Alex’s video is released via the Unknown.

Because Liam was able to convince Alex to confess to the crime, he severely shortened the list of people that were searching for the real terrorist (a.k.a. Liam, himself) involved. This gave him some time to regroup, cover up any loose ends he may have left that would point to him, and prepare for the next phase of his grand scheme.

Episode 19 – ‘Fast’

Translation: Seriously guys, do not trust me. You think you have weaknesses? Man, I am a true mess. Nobody is going to be calling me a hero anytime soon, but luckily, I still have full access to everything the FBI offers.

Right after Drew’s dismissal from Quantico, Liam takes some time to remind everyone that nobody’s perfect. Basically everyone except Alex, Ryan, Drew, and Miranda, probably still has Liam firmly placed on a pretty significant pedestal at this point. He is in a prominent position in the FBI, and is currently their trusted teacher and advisor. We already knew that Liam had some serious weaknesses of his own, but this served as another reminder to the NATs that nobody is infallible, and nobody is to be trusted.

Episode 21 – ‘Right’

Translation: Oh yeah, and speaking of those orders that you’re not going to agree with? They’re going to come from me, when you’re helping me carry out my personal crusade against the FBI. Yay, teamwork!

This extra philosophical Liam speech comes right before the grand reveal that he is the traitor. Everyone has been tested by the Voice in some capacity, and to be honest, most of them haven’t exactly taken the ethical high road. Liam has made some very poor choices in his time working for the FBI. This serves as a reminder of that, but also as an indication of what he plans to put the students through in the not so distant future.

BONUS: Episode 12 – ‘Alex’

Translation: No translation needed.

This quote came from the Voice, so we didn’t know it was Liam at the time, but we really, really should have. Alex made many friends at Quantico, and she supported most of them through some tough times, but the person that she really “helped” the most was scumbag Liam!

Sure, it’s easy to say that in retrospect, but in Quantico season 1, episode 12, this scene comes directly after Alex rejects a drink invitation from Liam. Also, this episode immediately follows the episodes where Alex arguably helps Liam the most, when he has resolved himself to a life lived in a drunken stupor, so we really should have seen it at the time, too!

Did you see this ‘Quantico’ reveal coming?