Quantico season 1, episode 17 gets Alex out of the Voice’s grip, but it puts someone else squarely in their crosshairs.

Last week’s episode gave us a lot more answers than we thought we’d get this early in the season, and we paid for it in this week’s episode. “Care” turned back into the question generating factory we’ve come to expect from Quantico. We’re fairly certain that pretty much anyone could be the terrorist at this point. That won’t keep us from putting our best guesses out there.

Present Day

Alex Parrish

Her time as the Voice’s instrument has ended. She successfully completed all the tasks set forth and they released her. Unfortunately that meant that someone else was now to be put on the hook. That person? Simon. The only good thing is that Alex knows about the theft at Columbia, and can continue to try and learn what happened there. At least she has a clue.

Ryan Booth

Ryan is so onto Alex, but she’s doing a damn good job of covering her tracks. The only problem with that is that every time he is close to figuring her out and fails, he seems to be even more dedicated to his cause. He fully believes that Alex is the biggest threat to the FBI out there at the moment, and he wants Liam to do something about it. Dost thou protest too much? We know that Alex has told a few little white lies here and there, but Ryan is way more determined to catch her than we ever thought he could be.

Will Olsen

In our first look at Will Olsen outside of Quantico, he is being held as an anonymous asset by the CIA. We learn later that he broke some very serious classified restrictions and his mind is a boon of information that the FBI would want to keep out of terrorist hands. Of course, that means he’s the asset Alex needs to deliver to free herself from the Voice. Ultimately, she, Will, and Simon agree that Will should go in undercover and report back to Alex as soon as he gets a chance. The only question now is: Do we believe he wants to play double agent?

Back at Quantico

Reyna and Nimah Amin

Now that Miranda has left the building (literally), Reyna and Nimah’s twin-switching project is pretty much done-zo. Liam warns them that they will more than likely not be working as team for future projects, and will be evaluated as two separate agents. After all their hard work, they aren’t excited to learn this fact, and instead choose to prove their worth to Liam, and therefore the bureau.

When they were presented with the challenge of sneaking across the Canadian border back into the good ole U.S. of A., they chose to work together to share a passport and get Reyna out of Canada and back into the United States. Nimah played such a convincing Reyna that Liam was quick to dismiss their work, but ate his words when Nimah ripped off her hijab moments later unveiling her true identity. They’re rouse displayed just how well they can impersonate each other, and Liam finally saw what they had to offer.

Shelby Wyatt

The drama between Shelby and her parents seems to have peaked in “Care.” At the insistence of Caleb and Alex, Shelby acquiesces to meeting with them. The impromptu trip to Canada with the rest of the NATs for the battle to cross the border was the perfect opportunity to catch up. It went well, if appearances could be believed, but Caleb made a startling discovery along the way.

Shelby’s parents are nothing if not manipulative. Whether they love their daughter or not, the only reason they showed to this meet up was to talk their daughter into giving them the money they need to stay in hiding indefinitely. Caleb was a stand up guy and blackmailed them behind Shelby’s back, keeping her free of the ugly truth, and allowing her last interaction with her parents to remain untarnished.

Drew Perales

Not much happened for Drew this week. He and Alex worked together to escape Canada, and after a couple of failed attempts at the airport, found a wooded area to use as cover for their border crossing. They struggled in the cold and broke into a cabin to spend the night. Sexy times ensued. They managed to make it over the border in time, so they passed, but they definitely didn’t take first place.

Least trustworthy NATs based on the events of this episode

  1. Caleb Haas: He may have done a nice thing for Shelby in the Quantico side of this week’s story, but their relationship in the present day has seen better days. If he is at all involved in the terrorists’ plot, using her parents for blackmail would be an excellent way to use her to further his cause.
  2. Ryan Booth: Something is just not right with this guy. He and Alex have a very complicated relationship, but his determination to hunt her down seems to have ulterior motives. Could he be trying to discredit her as thoroughly as possible to hide his true allegiance? He has a lot of gaps during the Quantico storyline that could explain his affiliation with terror. We just can’t trust him.
  3. Shelby Wyatt: We had to include her now that we know something about what she’s up to on the present day storyline. Whether she’s being coerced to drive the car or not, Shelby is somehow entangled in the terror-plot web that Alex has been trying to escape. We want her to be innocent, but there are many reasons she could have turned.

Do you think the Voice is one person, or should we be thinking of multiple players at work here?