As Quantico’s NATs learned how to gather human intelligence, some of their own personality traits were exposed. We did some sourcing of our own to see if their Myers-Briggs personality types provided any clues.

The NATs were tasked with sorting their classmates into one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. If you’re not familiar with how it works, you can go to the Myers-Briggs website to find out more! In a nutshell, the types are broken into the following four sections:

Extroversion or Introversion
Sensing or iNtuition
Thinking or Feeling
Perception or Judgement

Alex and her friends at Quantico used these four categories to learn more about each other. We don’t like to let them have all the fun, so we thought we’d play too! We looked at the personality types we discovered on the show and what that might mean for that character’s future and their involvement with the attacks. We also did a little digging to find out what category some of the characters who weren’t analyzed on the show might fall into.

A certain personality type definitely won’t tell us that a character is or couldn’t be the mastermind, but it may provide us with some clues about what would drive a certain character to act that way, and what skills they might have that line up with what we’ve seen so far.

Personality type: The Champion (Extroversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perception)

Strengths: Highly independent, great at communication and socializing, curious, good at observing the bigger picture

Weaknesses: Can have trouble following through on ideas and plans, overly emotional, tend to overthink things

What could this mean? Alex’s curiosity, observation skills and independence have been instrumental in her making it this far. She believes in herself completely and does not rely on the approval of others which has helped her stay strong through everybody’s accusations and incredulity. Her curiosity and observation skills will be key in her eventually finding the mastermind but she will need other people to help her keep her focus and not overthink the clues.

Personality type: The Dynamo (Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perception)

Strengths: Energetic and social, great at perceiving and analyzing situations, able to adapt to change quickly

Weaknesses: Insensitive to the feelings of others, won’t easily open up, impatient, often driven to risky and dangerous actions

What could this mean? This doesn’t paint a great picture for Caleb, as he is already a prime suspect. His insensitivity and the fact that he values practicality and facts over feelings could lead him to seek revenge on people who have done him wrong without considering their feelings or even his feelings for them (looking at you Shelby and Papa Haas). While this would be a very extreme response for what they did, potentially something much bigger would drive him to act in a more extreme way. The impatience which is characteristic of Dynamos can also lead to recklessness. He would also potentially have the intelligence and skills to be able to pull off the attack. Uh oh Caleb!

Personality type: The Commander (Extroversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgement)

Strengths: Very self confident and assertive, efficient and good organizers, good at logical reasoning, charismatic

Weaknesses: Arrogant, intolerant of others, can be cold and ruthless in achieving ambitions

What could this mean? If Nimah were the attacker, it could stem from her sense of arrogance and relative superiority. We know that she had a difference of opinion with Miranda when it came to Raina already and it’s possible that her distrust of the FBI is running deeper than we know. Like Caleb, she could have the skills, intelligence and charisma to be able to accomplish an attack like this.

Personality type: The Healer (Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perception)

Strengths: Guided by a strong sense of morality stemming from core values and beliefs, extremely compassionate, open minded, driven to establish harmony

Weaknesses: Can be too idealistic and impractical, often take things too personally, very private and difficult to know well

What could this mean? Unlike her sister, Raina’s combination of open mindedness and compassion make her an unlikely candidate. As Will stated, Raina values harmony very highly and it wouldn’t make sense for her to cause such chaos.

Personality type: The Provider (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgement)

Strengths: Good at time management, very empathetic and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others, committed and loyal

Weaknesses: Can be very self conscious and sensitive to criticism, often inflexible in their beliefs and plans

What could this mean? As Alex alluded to, a weak point for Brandon would be the people he cares about since Providers are extremely loyal and highly value their connections with other people. It is unlikely that Brandon would act alone, but the mastermind could potentially blackmail him into doing their bidding like they’ve done with Elias and Alex by threatening someone that he loves. Another possibility is if Natalie is the mastermind, Brandon’s sense of loyalty and commitment to her could lead to him to align with her.

Personality type: The Visionary (Extroversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception)

Strengths: Innovative and creative, clever and eager to gain knowledge, quick thinking, charismatic

Weaknesses: Often argumentative and intolerant of others’ opinions, not interested in planning and practicality, lacking in focus

What could this mean? While Drew is another one of the prime suspects, his personality type doesn’t actually fit very well with the attacks. While Drew seems to have some motivation to act against the FBI, he would be more likely to act quickly in his revenge, rather than forming and following through with a large scale plan.

Personality type: The Inspector (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgement)

Strengths: Direct communicators, very dutiful and responsible, excellent at taking in and retaining facts and statistics, cool headed

Weaknesses: Have trouble going “off book,” stubborn, judgmental

What could this mean? It’s not likely that Will would find cause to enact the attacks, but it’s not impossible. If somehow the facts aligned to the attack being the thing that “made sense,” Will might latch on to that and his stubbornness would make it difficult to get him off that path once he was on it.

Quantico didn’t confirm the personality types of Natalie, Ryan, Shelby and Simon, but since they’re some of our favorites we thought we’d take a stab at it ourselves.


From the NATs that we’ve analyzed so far, Natalie is closest to Nimah. Therefore, we’ve labelled her as a Commander also (Extroversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgement). She has proven her self confidence to the point of arrogance sometimes as well as her efficiency and organizational skills. She has such confidence in her own beliefs that if a serious rift happened between her and the FBI, it could cause her to act drastically.


Ryan’s primary characteristic that we see on Quantico is his care for others. In this way, he is most similar to Brandon. However, we see a little more intuition in him so we’ve labelled him as a Teacher (Extroversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Judgement). Teachers are natural leaders and love to help people reach their potential. This sounds a lot like how Ryan interacts with Alex, but also others.

They are very considerate of the needs of others and are extremely sensitive. This makes Ryan an unlikely candidate as his focus on human needs would make him flee from any kind of mass destruction like that. This will, however, make him an invaluable asset to Alex once he comes back around to the good side!


Shelby is most likely a Protector (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgement). The Protector is eager to provide for others and protect them from whatever possible. We can see this in Shelby with her “sister” Samar, even after she figures out she’s being conned. Protectors are also hard working and practical. Unless Shelby thought the attack was somehow an act to protect the people she loved (obviously not true, sorry Clayton), she isn’t a strong candidate.


On this list, Simon is most like Will, but with much better people skills and a little less rigidity. For that reason, we’ve labelled him as a Craftsman (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perception). Craftsmen are logical and adaptable. They can also be spontaneous, however. They’re not necessarily lead by any particular set of beliefs or morals and can take action depending on whatever makes sense to them in the moment. This fits with the fact the Simon made the Grand Central plans in the first place, but ultimately decided not to act on anything. It is unlikely that he would go back to believing it was the right thing to do after realizing he was wrong.

Since he believes that Alex is right in her beliefs, he will be a strong ally going forward as they seek to find the truth about the attacks.

Does your personality match any of the ‘Quantico’ characters?