The Punisher is known for being a tough killing machine with a ton of emotional issues.

He can switch from being a brooding torturer to a heartbroken widower within the blink of an eye, which makes him such a compelling character to watch. This makes for a pretty dark and bloody viewing, which is fine because that’s what Frank Castle’s journey is all about, right? But, there are several humorous moments in The Punisher season 2 that fans will love.

Did you have sex?

Frank’s one-night stand with Beth became a topic of discussion when they took her son Rex out for pancakes. The outspoken nine-year-old got right to the point and asked if they had sex, which amused Frank and embarrassed his mom.

Bloody Money

Frank and Amy’s great adventure led them to seek shelter at a rundown motel. Amy was tasked with going inside to rent a room, which made sense because Frank had a bullet in his butt and blood all over his face, so she asked him for some money. He gives her the side eye and pulls a bloody wad out of his pocket, to which she snarkily responds “not suspicious at all” because it is 100% suspect.

Can I have his sandwich?

There’s only one question that the local drunk has concerning Frank’s release from the tiny jail — can he have his sandwich? Because there’s no need to let good food go to waste. He continues his funny streak later on as Frank demolishes Pilgrim’s men in the woods by saying it doesn’t matter if Frank is the proverbial devil as long as they are on his side. Release this man for being brilliant!

Card Tricks

How do you entertain a killing machine like The Punisher? A card trick. It was funny to watch him get deeply invested (and disappointed) as he tried to guess where the queen was in Amy’s three card monty. She also calls him out for thinking he can win no matter the odds and drinking way too much black coffee.

Shopping Sprees

Frank goes into dad mode and chastises Amy for racking up charges on Madani’s credit card — until he spots some Lombardi’s pizza. It looks like fraudulent activity is all forgiven as long as there’s sausage and mushrooms involved. Plus, it’s interesting to see a guy like Frank get hyped over pizza.

Burning the House Down

There were obviously a ton of great Frank and Amy moments, but this one is particularly funny in a dark way. Frank was ready to take down a pervy photographer, but Amy suggested he save his life. He was supremely bummed out…until she told him he should torch the place to lift his spirits.

No bounty will prosper

Six men decide they will kill The Punisher in an alley for five million dollars. Sounds like an epic fight waiting to happen, right? Wrong. They literally get no where when Frank pulls out a handgun and takes most of them down within seconds.

Amy’s revenge

Ahhh, Dad Frank taught her well. Amy snatched her first gun and shot a man in the chest with little hesitation to save her own life. It bothers her a bit, but Frank kindly shoots him in the head to prove that he killed him instead. He smirks at Amy kicking her shady ex-friend in the crotch for their troubles.