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Stephen Fishbach, who placed second on Survivor: Tocantins in 2009, recently wrote an article for, relating his experience on Survivor to competing in The Hunger Games.

As a HUGE fan of Survivor and The Hunger Games, it’s great to see a point of view from someone who has “experienced” a hunger games of sorts.

Some interesting quotes from the article:

A Survivor’s first decision is — what’s my strategy? You could come out strong, like the Careers in The Hunger Games, and intimidate the field with your brash attitude and physical prowess. You could run for the trees and wait for your opponents to ice each other. Or you could panic, trip over your own two feet, and take a knife in the back on day 1.

Nobody is trying to kill you on Survivor. But as Jeff Probst says every season, “In this game, fire represents life.” When the tribe votes you out and your torch is snuffed, you suffer a metaphorical death. After a month or more of suffering and struggling, losing can feel like a spear in the gut.

— there’s clearly a little bit of Survivor host Jeff Probst in Caesar Flickerman, the timeless Hunger Games emcee whose “appearance has been virtually unchanged…same face…same hairstyle…same ceremonial suit, midnight blue.”

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly!