On tonight’s episode of Pretty Little Liars, the search for Varjak continues and one of the Liars is put behind bars.

This week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars opens up at the prison where Ali is meeting with her lawyer Rebecca. Rebecca wants her to plead guilty to murdering Mona, as well as tell the jury that Hanna was her accomplice. This confession will give her a plea deal of only 15 years in prison as opposed to life.

After hearing about the possibility of a plea, Veronica pays Ashley a visit at the Marin household in order to discuss what could happen with Hanna. Hanna walks down the stairs and can overhear them talking in the kitchen because the two mothers didn’t think of the possibility of a teenager listening in on them. Hanna heads straight Caleb’s because she thinks that once she is arrested, Caleb will be next in line.

Across the pond, Melissa and Spencer have a very out of character sisterly heart-to-heart about why Spencer shouldn’t go back to the States. Melissa tells her how getting out of Rosewood was the best thing she’s ever done and has actually brought her closer to her sister. Melissa even helps pick out a sexy dress for Spencer’s Shakespeare date with Colin.

Back in the States, Emily thinks Aria needs to talk to Ezra to see if he found anything about Varjak when he was researching for his book. They get interrupted when a note from Andrew falls out of Aria’s locker asking her to dinner. Emily is really confused, so Aria has to admit to their kiss and her semi-breakup with Ezra.

Considering the circumstances, Emily decides to take the lead and ask Ezra about Varjak. Unfortunately, he has no clue who that is but has a feeling that Mona’s lawyer, Nealon, must have been helping her out when she was on the “A” team. Ezra decides to go see him under the guise of trying to franchise The Brew. Ezra then pulls a bait and switch and starts questioning him about Mona. It doesn’t go so well and Nealon quickly kicks Ezra out.

Emily and Aria are waiting outside, where Aria is practically peeing herself in anticipation of seeing Ezra. The awkwardness is thankfully short lived because they decide to follow Nealon after he gets in his car and drives away. They not-so-subtly follow him to a private property where he slips through a giant gated fence. The fence is closing, but just at this moment Andrew texts Aria about their test and Ezra sees it pop up on her phone. The distraction is enough for them to miss getting through fence.

At least Emily makes it through, leaving Aria and Ezra to find their own way onto the grounds. Emily is able to make the most of her time there, and she goes through the garbage and finds a receipt with Varjak’s name on it. Luckily, it also has a phone number on it and they all decide they should call it to see where it leads.

After their pseudo date, Spencer buys Colin her first legal beer. Maybe this is when Colin should realize Spencer might be a little too young for him, considering he looks like he’s at least 30. We guess it’s all of her Hamlet metaphors that really win him over, though. After a game of darts and running through the rain, Spencer and Colin share a surprisingly passionate kiss back at his flat. Wait, have Spencer and Toby officially broken up?

After two separate incidents with “A” in prison, Ali is finally shaken enough to call her lawyer. She is willing to agree to the plea deal but under the condition that she is transferred somewhere safer.

The news is out that Ali may take the plea, so Caleb tells Hanna it is finally time to tell Tanner about “A.” Yes, move the plot forward, please! He takes Hanna to the police station, but when she goes to prove everything to Tanner, “A” hacks into her phone and erases everything on it. Hanna is immediately arrested because not only does she have no proof of “A,” but her blood was found on Mona’s clothing from the day she died.

The next day, Ezra and Aria decide to meet and finally talk about their relationship status. Aria tells Ezra that she thinks they shouldn’t be together when she heads to college and he agrees, but wants to end things immediately so they don’t have to put off the inevitable.

In the last scene of the episode, Hanna is brought into the prison and Alison decides not to take the plea deal after all.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of ‘Pretty Little Liars’?