Aria did her best to comes to terms with Ezra’s betrayal on Pretty Little Liars season 4, episode 21, “She’s Come Undone,”and Spencer finds out a frightening possibility about her past.

The episode opens with Spencer, Hannah and Emily consoling Aria. She tells them Ezra has known about all of them before he even met them. She even tells them about Ezra and Ali’s relationship when he was in college.

Hannah, Spencer and Emily still believe that Ezra may be A, but Aria is adamant that he was just trying to find out who Ali’s killer was. He even has a theory that one of the Liars did it.

Aria is lying in bed, seemingly staying home from school to avoid Ezra. She starts to remember the first time they met and it flashes back to that moment. Aria wakes up and runs to the trashcan to throw up.

Spencer is confronted by her parents about her drug issues. Mr. Hastings spoke to her doctor, who thinks Spencer should enter a rehab. Spencer is nervous that having both rehab and Radley on her record will make it almost impossible to get into college. She convinces her parents to let her try and beat it on her own, which they anxiously agree to.

At school, Hannah runs into Travis at his locker, and he tells her that he can’t talk because he has to head to court with his dad, who is getting in trouble with the cops over Wilden.

In the courtyard, Emily finds Spencer and explains that she needs to do an urgent money drop for Ali, who is in need of some cash. While talking, the girls see a distressed Aria storm into the school. She came to confront Ezra but finds that he is out for a “family emergency.”

Paige catches up with Emily and wants to hang out. Paige sees tons of cash in Emily’s bag and is curious, but Emily quickly lies and says it’s for her grandmother.

Aria goes to Ezra’s apartment, but he isn’t there, so she takes this opportunity to snoop. In his dresser, she finds a box full of folders that includes photos of the girls and a recording of Ali from one of her sessions with Mrs. Grunwald. Aria finds a journal full of Ezra’s notes that includes everything he knew about the girls and A. Aria couldn’t take the betrayal and starts to trash his entire apartment.

At the police station, Hannah is pleading with Holbrook to cut Travis’ dad slack, but Holbrook just brushes Hannah off.

Spencer goes into her locker and sitting in it is a bottle full of pills signed from A. Emily offers to take them, but Spencer insists on getting rid of them herself.

The girls are trying to find Aria and figure they should look at Ezra’s. They arrive to see her sitting on the floor of his trashed apartment where she tells them all about the journal. Spencer thinks they should take some of the stuff with them, but when the girls disagree, she stays behind to take papers in her bag.

Hannah goes to court to see Travis, and when he gets out, he tells her Holbrook defended his dad. Now, instead of jail time, he just got probation and community service.

Spencer is sorting through all the papers that she took and finds a business card for Marc Pope and a note on the back that says, “P.I. who followed Spencer?” Spencer begins to cry and is clearly struggling, so she decides to take some of the pills from her locker.

Emily is at the bank to put the money for Ali in the safe deposit box, and when she leaves, she finds out Paige was following her. Paige wants to know why she was lying and Emily finally tells her that Ali is alive and the money is for her.

At Aria’s house, Aria and Hannah are burning pages of Ezra’s journal. When Hannah leaves to get food, Aria starts to flip through the journal and finds a folded piece of paper. It is a letter from a publishing company saying they loved his book so far and couldn’t wait to read the end. Aria calls the company to find out the publication date, and the secretary says that Ezra is currently there and they should have a date by the next day.

Paige and Emily are arguing about Ali because Paige doesn’t think it’s safe to be in communication with her. She says if Emily doesn’t stop communication with Ali, she will tell Ali’s family or the police she is alive. Emily reluctantly agrees.

Hannah runs into Holbrook at The Brew and thanks him for helping Hobbs. They hug and Hannah goes to kiss him, but Holbrook quickly pulls back.

Spencer is reading through the papers and stumbles on a theory about her attacking Ali, with CeCe witnessing it. It also says that Mrs. DiLaurentis and Mr. Hastings paid off CeCe to keep quiet. A clearly crazed Spencer goes to confront Mrs. DeLaurentis, but she doesn’t tell the girl anything.

Hannah finds Aria on her way to Principle Hackett’s house to tell him everything about her and Ezra’s relationship. Hannah stops her and gives her all the consequences, like Ezra going to jail and it being all over the papers. She says it won’t just hurt her, but it will hurt her family, too. Aria decides to walk away.

Paige comes to Emily’s house and Emily cancels her date with Paige. She says she doesn’t like being given ultimatums and doesn’t want to see her right now, so Paige leaves.

Emily goes to Aria’s only to find her packing her bags. Aria says she is leaving town. Emily tries to stop her, but Aria won’t listen.

The episode ends with Paige dropping a note in a police car window saying she knows Ali DeLaurentis is alive and they need to find “A.D. Incorporated.”

The episode ends with A reading Ezra’s manuscript, but then opening up a fireplace to burn the pages.

What did you think of this episode of Pretty Little Liars?

Photo Credit: ABC Family