Harry Potter fansites are slowly unveiling J.K. Rowling’s next Potter-related announcement!

Update! We have the letters, the name, and a trademark filing to confirm some details.

Various fansites are posting coordinates that must be inserted into this map. Once inserted, zoom in to see a giant letter at a location important to Jo/Harry Potter.

See the coordinates here:
MuggleNet: 51.530377,-0.123259
Leaky: 42.523356,-70.890698
HarryPotter-Xperts: -34.410362,150.900671
ClubeDoSlugue: 23.547149-46.520266
Portkey: 43.640408,-79.388795
UniversHarryPotter: 29.952313,-90.067849
HPANA: -29.239004,24.507602
Snitch Seeker: 51.781383,-2.56844
BlogHogwarts: 34.730748,137.383786

The letters: T E O R P E T R O M (we won’t put them in order in case you want to figure it out yourself)

The letters must be placed together for the first clue. We’ll keep this post updated as each fansite adds a new coordinate to help you find the letters. Said letters will be unveiled today and tomorrow.

What do you think this project is?

UPDATE 2: Check out our column analyzing what it could be!

UPDATE 3: A trademark filing by Warner Brothers confirms that this project is indeed called Pottermore. Now the only question is.. what is it?