With the Grand Opening of Pottermore occurring over the weekend, the site has finally hit 1 million users.

As of this writing, the Great Hall counts 1,036,108 sorted students.

You may remember that when Pottermore opened its doors in October for the beta, 1 million invites were sent out. Only around 700,000 of those invites were actually used (or at least got to the point where they were sorted).

One issue we’ve mentioned a few times here on Hypable is the Sorting Hat formula. The number of students in each house were neck and neck, which suggested that users’ sorting may be influenced by Pottermore trying to keep the Houses even.

Right now the House numbers are as follows:

– Gryffindor: 269,253
– Ravenclaw: 249,316
– Hufflepuff: 258,269
– Slytherin: 259,270

While we still think you’re not getting sorted into your true House, it’s also worth considering: Did the Sorting Hat in the books get influenced over keeping the number of students even in each house even too?