Yesterday it was made available exclusively for Slytherin students after they won the House Cup. Now Pottermore has opened Chamber of Secrets to the remaining houses.

At this time, only chapters one through four are available. Pottermore says that chapters five through eleven will be open in the coming weeks.

We told you yesterday that there are four particular highlights we noticed in the first four chapters:

– A game to keep Aunt Petunia’s cake afloat in the air.
– New material from J.K. Rowling on technology in the wizarding world.
– A game to remove the gnomes from the Weasley’s garden.
– New material from J.K. Rowling about the Malfoy family.

Visit Pottermore and explore for yourself, then come back here to let us know what you think. Do note that you must have completed book one in its entirety before you move on to book two.