The Pottermore Insider blog has been updated to provide some new information regarding the beta process and when the service will become available to everyone.

Firstly, the Beta has been extended until the end of October, which is when the site will officially go live. This of course means that those users who have only just recently received their beta invite email will be able to enjoy the service before the rest of the world can enter.

However, the blog has also explained how the regular registration from November onwards will happen:

From the end of October, registration will be opened to everyone and we’ll be giving access to registered users in phases. Access may be granted quickly, but please note it could also take some weeks or months, depending on demand.

In other words, everyone will be able to sign up, but like the Beta, access will be given gradually over time. The bad news is, if you missed out on a beta invite, you STILL might have to wait several months to get access to Pottermore!

Finally, the blog told us that the eBooks will be available for purchase in the first half of 2012.

We look forward to seeing what changes will be made as a result of the beta process. Hopefully some music for starters.

You can view the entire blog post here.