The Los Angeles Times has released a new interview with the actor who plays Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter franchise. He talks about what we can expect out of his character in the final film.

From the article:

Do we get to see him as the leader of an army?
ML: There’s some nice moments where [Professor Minerva] McGonagall is handing out instructions, and Neville’s got a job to do, and he takes his band of troops, and they go. It’s pretty cool stuff. Neville’s a leader in this film. There are a couple of moments in the room of requirement with the rest of Dumbledore’s Army, where we really see Neville as this resistance leader, this on-the-ground leader who’s instructing the students what to do, where to go. He’s like a beaten, battered war veteran in this one.

What was your favorite part about filming the last movie?
ML: All the battle sequences were just amazing. Doing stunts and stuff like that is not something you get to do every day. And working with the explosives and running around, firing spells and using swords and stuff — it’s not something that you do all the time. So that was just so much fun, coming into work and being able to do all that and mess around and have fun.

You can continue reading on the Los Angeles Times! Deathly Hallows – Part 2 hits theaters July 15th (in just over two weeks!).