We will we watching the BBC live show today along with the rest of you to discover who Doctor Who‘s 12th Doctor will be. After the show airs we will be hosting a live Google Hangout to discuss who gets the role.


As of now the one thing we know for sure is that the role has gone to a male. U.K. photographer Rankin photographed the new Doctor today. He tweeted

The photo as you might suspect was a giant question mark. There was no early leak. Now if there is any clue in the “ace Dr.” comment, we can’t imagine what it might be implying even though a former companion was named Ace.

The reveal show will air on BBC1 and BBC America today, 7:00pm in the U.K. and 2:00pm in the U.S. According to the BBC:

Peter Davison (the Fifth Doctor) will be there in person and Matt Smith (the current Doctor) and Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor) will also be contributing.

The marvellous Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott) will be there in person and there’ll be contributions from former companions including Anneke Wills (Polly), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Janet Fielding (Tegan) and Bonnie Langford (Mel). Writer and actor Mark Gatiss also features in the show by way of a specially recorded video.

“Contributing” likely means they’ve recorded a video of good luck and support.

The Google Hangout will be live here roughly 15 minutes after the live show concludes. If you want to join in, we’ll be taking fan commentary and questions on Twitter using the hashtag #whohypelive. You can also put comments on this post or in the chat channel (but warning those don’t always show up promptly, Twitter seems to work best).