The 100 season 4 has been comparatively kind to our main characters so far, but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that this is gonna last.

“First of all, how dare you?” -Me to me.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been existing in a state of blissful ignorance about character deaths in The 100 season 4, because I so badly want to believe that after the season 3 blood bath, the writers might just possibly take it easy on us this year and spare us from any major trauma (and/or spare themselves from the fandom’s wrath).

Losing Lexa, Lincoln and Sinclair in quick succession last year left the fans emotionally exhausted, and there was a reason they chose to spare Jasper in the finale: There had simply been too much death at that point. We, and the characters, had suffered more than enough for one season.

Related: The 100 season 4, episode 7 review: Survivor’s guilt

But we’ve had time to breathe now, and our heroes are facing a literal apocalypse. People are going to die, and it’s hard to believe that all the characters we love will miraculously be spared. The 100 just isn’t the kind of show where everybody lives, as much as we want to pretend it is.

And, after all, the cast is now so big that they have to rotate them out every episode and send characters off to sleep in shifts! We’ve hardly seen supposed main character Miller all season, Jasper’s been popping in and out of storylines, Gaia was introduced only to vanish for five episodes, etc. From that perspective, it makes a logistical (if cynical) sort of sense that we’ll lose a major character or two.

Considering how devastated we all were about Nyko’s death, I can’t even imagine how we’ll feel about a main character dying, but we may as well start preparing ourselves. So I thought it’d be fun (in the way that isn’t actually at all funny) to find out which characters the fandom thinks are most and least likely to die this season.

Right now, Raven and Abby might appear to be the most obvious candidates, considering that the removal of their ALIE chips has left them both with potentially fatal brain damage.

Jasper seems at great risk too, considering that he wants to die; Octavia technically already died once, and despite all of Murphy’s talk about doing what he needs to do to survive, there’ve been several instances of him throwing himself in harm’s way to help those he cares about (which might either mean his own death or the tragic loss of Emori).

Or they could totally surprise us! What do you think? Upvote the characters whose deaths seem most likely and downvote the ones you’re sure will survive, and let’s see what happens!

The 100‘ airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW