Pokémon X and Y debut Saturday morning, bringing up the excitement for the sixth generation in the Pocket Monsters series. Also, Bioware is using players’ thoughts to make the perfect game

After months and months of waiting, fans of Pokémon X and Y will have to wait no longer to play the highly anticipated game. Tomorrow, October 12, 2013, is the release for Pokémon X and Y for the Nintendo 3DS.

To get you excited for the new generation of Pokémon, watch the recently released introduction to the Pokémon X and Y anime below!

Bioware are looking for more information from Dragon Age players about their gameplay styles and preferences. Since the initial announcement of the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition, Bioware has been keen to listen to players’ thoughts about the direction they want the Dragon Age franchise to head in.

This latest survey includes basic questions such as your preferred platform, difficulty setting and the Bioware games you’ve previously played. The survey goes on to ask which elements of the Dragon Age games players find most important, from puzzle solving to tactical combat to romance options. Finally, respondents are given the opportunity to share their thoughts on combat in Dragon Age.

With Dragon Age Inquisition due to release next fall, the feedback gained from the survey should have some impact on the final product.

If you’re a veteran of the series and want to leave your thoughts, you can head over to the survey page and provide Bioware with some feedback.

GTA Online players will each receive $500,000 of in-game money to compensate for the server problems which prevented many players from accessing GTA Online when it opened at the start of the month.

The compensation will be paid to players in two $250,000 instalments, the first by the end of next week and the second by the end of the month. To qualify for the payment, you have to play or have played GTA Online any time during October 2013, and must download a small GTA V title update.

Are you getting ‘Pokemon X’ and ‘Y’ tomorrow?

Written by: Anna Roberts and Mitchel Clow