This Gen Four Pokémon GO live action trailer is bound to give you chills, as it perfectly illustrates what we all imagine when playing the new PvP battles.

While there have been some notably awesome Pokémon GO live action trailers before, this one has my pulse racing as I dream of the possible battle matchups in the mobile game.

The trailer opens on the grass-type starter Torterra using Earthquake on Emploeon, interrupting a park basketball game. While playing soccer, bystanders stop to watch as the Distortion World Legendary Giratina confronts Cresellia.

Speeding by on their bikes, more civilians stop in their tracks to witness a battle in a city square. This time around, the electric-type lion Pokémon Luxray is battling the recently revealed Pokémon GO exclusive metal-type, Melmetal.

The trailer closes on the metal/fighting-type Lucario fighting the fire-starter Infernape (which is a really, really bad type matchup for Lucario), all in-game. The transition from the Pokémon GO live-action trailer to the in-game engine had such a smooth transition, and that’s really what it feels like when you battle another trainer in the PvP battles. It feels just as epic as the live action makes it look.

With the introduction of Generation Four Pokémon, a lot of the Pokémon GO meta has been shaken up. With new starters, legendaries, and overall balanced teams at trainers’ disposal, capturing gyms, let alone ’em all, is all the more challenging.

A Pokémon GO holiday event will begin on December 18, 2018 at 4 pm EST, and end on January 2, 2019. Special events during the 2018-2019 Pokémon GO holiday event include days of double EXP, double candies earned, twice the effectiveness of egg incubators, and an incubator awarded each day as players spin photo discs.

Even more Gen Four Pokémon will be added during the event, with the following being confirmed via the game’s promotional material: Munchlax, Chingling, Croagunk, Snover, Abomasnow, Delibird, along with Legendaries Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit.