This morning’s big Pokémon news rocked the series (as if that’s possible with all of the latest Gen. VI news). Check out what’s shaking up the Poké-verse!

After a leaked YouTube video released a few days ago revealing, it was finally unveiled that this site will be used for promotional giveaways. The above URL redirects here, where users can enter in a code that they find somewhere within the below video.

Check out the dubstep autotune song to the “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” Pokémon theme below!

The site is live as of this reporting.

For those looking to enter the website now, the below tweet has the code. The code can be seen briefly in the video at 1:03. Upon entering it, the website has the user register for a free account. Unfortunately, only US residents can enter the contest.

The information at the top of the contest page reads as such:

The hunt is on. Collect codes for a chance to win exciting Pokémon™ prizes.
From now until October 12, we’ll be hiding secret codes all over the web. When you find one, enter it below to unlock a Poké Ball. Inside every Poké Ball is a Pokémon, a digital gift, and a chance to win. Keep checking back or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for tips on how to find the latest hidden codes.

The official hashtag for the contest is #GottaCatchXY.

The original announcement of today’s news came from both the official Pokémon Twitter and Facebook, which vaguely stated that there was to be big news today at 8am PDT (11am EST).

Hypable’s Pokémon podcast Poké Chat will be recording a live episode about the latest news at 1pm EST today. Click here for that link!

Check out their latest YouTube livestream, where they discuss the new Mega Evolutions for the original Gen. I starters.

Latest ‘Pokemon X’ and ‘Y’ news

Gen. VI starters and a new Mewtwo Mega Evolution

The second stage evolutions for the Gen. VI starters were unveiled, along with ANOTHER Mega for Mewtwo, over five new Pokémon creatures, and many important gameplay mechanics that will begin to takeover as of Gen. VI.

Original Pokémon starters get Mega evolutions, are Pokémon X and Y starters

In a shocking unveil, it was stated that the true starters of Gen. VI will be the original starters from Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Also, Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise all received their very own Mega Evolutions, all of which drastically changed the looks of these classic Pokémon forever.

Mega Evolutions detailed

For those not in-the-know about what Mega Evolutions are about, make sure to read up on our reporting of the evolving mechanic of the upcoming Pokémon X and Y games.

Pokémon X and Y release for the Nintendo 3DS family on October 12th worldwide.