Onceable Podcast

Episode #50 – Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Hosted by Jen, Laura, Kristen, Brittney

October 6, 2014

Jen, Laura, Kristen, and Brittany join together to discuss Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 2, “White Out.”

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-What were our favorite quotes?

Enchanted Forest
-Ana in the Enchanted Forest with horrible hair David!
-Evil warlord Bo Peep
-Ana calls David out on being a coward teaches him how to use a sword
-David’s story about his father
-Bo Beep brands people and she took Ana
-David fights releases Ana
-Crack theory time
-Ruth gives Ana Rumple’s name

-Elsa won’t let anyone leave
-Henry making a basket for Regina’s break up
-The dwarves and Granny decide Snow is the Mayor now
-David and Hook
-The Dwarves’ addiction to electronics/Snow’s hissy fit
-Emma and Elsa heart to heart
-David realizes he knows Ana
-They can’t see Ana with Peep’s staff but can hear her heart beat

Join us next week for our discussion of Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 3, “Rocky Road”!

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