Sony’s mashup brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale could be getting some new characters.

According to an IMDB voice actor listing, Cole MacGrath of inFamous fame, Snake from Metal Gear Solid, Nathan Drake from Uncharted and fake Sony spokesman Kevin Butler could all be characters in PlayStation All-Stars.

IGN notes that inFamous 2‘s voice actor, listed on the IMDB page, has Tweeted about his involvement with the game as well as Snake voice actor David Hayter’s and the voice of Drake, Nolan North’s.

While IMDB isn’t an official source of information, it’s still worthy to speculate on.

Confirmed characters for PlayStation All-Stars include Kratos, Fat Princess, Parappa, Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth and Radec.

We’re expected to see more from the game in a few weeks at E3.