In an interesting video game industry development, players will now be able to play certain Steam games before they’re completed. Also, BioShock Infinite is coming to Mac, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim had a recent major update on Steam.

Live today, Steam ‘Early Access’ allows players to play early versions of games, which will allow developers to collect information on bugs and development issues. As a reward for downloading the game at a reduced price so early (and potentially in a buggy fashion), players will often be rewarded with a full download of it when it releases.

Valve is heading up the new video game testing program, and includes the games 1… 2… 3… KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby), Arma 3, Drunken Robot Pornography, Gear Up Gnomoria, Kenshi Kerbal Space Program, Kinetic Void, Patterns, Prison Architect, StarForge, and Under the Ocean.

See Steam ‘Early Access’ here.

BioShock Infinte is coming out for Mac computer systems this summer. The game releases on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on this upcoming Tuesday, March 26.

Lastly, Skyrim‘s latest update, 1.9, went live today. The update includes a Legendary difficulty, the ability to rest skill points, and patches 70 glitches. The update also allows players to reset their level from 100 to 15, allowing them to train for different classes that they may not have focused on before.

The bug fixes, according to, include “memory and stability improvements, companions automatically equipping items, and a fixed ‘rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat.'”

Bethesda stated that update 1.9 will be available for the console versions of the game “later this month.”

Video Game News Explosion

We wrote about the reasons why we’re excited for the release of Tomb Raider, including less sex appeal and more gore.

April Fool’s Day is arriving, but there are still games yet to come out this month, including BioShock Infinte and Slender: The Arrival.

Featured image sources: (Steam logo), (Skyrim one sheet)

Image source: (‘BioShock Infinite’ logo)