Last call, pitches! We have a trailer and an official poster for Pitch Perfect 3, and December cannot get here fast enough.

There are few things that promise to entertain us as much as a new Pitch Perfect movie, and we are more than excited about getting one last adventure with the Bellas.

In addition to seeing all our favorite characters again, including those played by Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Elizabeth Banks, Brittany Snow, and Anna Camp, there are some fresh faces that popped up in this trailer that should bring just enough new blood to this series.

The imaginative way Kay Cannon gave us one last chance at a Barden Bellas farewell looks like everything we could have wanted. There’s fun costumes, brutal competition, explosions, and enough snark to have us smiling for the next 6 months while we wait.

‘Pitch Perfect 3’ Trailer


‘Pitch Perfect 3’ Official Poster

Are you excited to take one last trip with the Barden Bellas in ‘Pitch Perfect 3’?