Despite great ticket sales internationally, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides has not been getting good reviews from critics. We’re sharing some of the reviews with you!

The Rotten Tomatoes average on the film is 37%, which is very bad. Pirates 1 received a 78%, Pirates 2 a 54%, and Pirates 3 a 45%. This is the worst film of the franchise according to critics.

Here are some blurbs about Pirates 4:

Chicago Tribune:
Stranger tides? Stranger than what? What’s strange, or fresh, about any of the mechanical diversions on offer here?

Flixist: Not as clever as the first, as fun as the second or as epic as the third, On Stranger Tides is still a decently fun swashbuckler it just isn’t a very good one.

Sky Movies: A youthful revival this film is not. But a slick, swashbuckin’ romp though the South Seas with a ship full of familiar scallywags it is.

Seattle Times: Though this movie ends with a clear indication of more possibilities ahead, I’m more than ready to let Captain Jack Sparrow rest in rum-soaked peace.

You can find more reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.