The Ant-Man gag reel may or may not be better than the actual movie.

Marvel’s Ant-Man hit theaters this summer, surprising fans and critics alike by being, well, great. No one was sure what to expect when Edgar Wright departed the project, but his replacement Peyton Reed did a remarkable job.

Related: Ant-Man after-credits scenes released, see Wasp’s suit and Captain America with Bucky

Last week we had the HD versions of the mid- and post-credits scenes, and today, we’re happy to bring you the Ant-Man gag reel. It’s as hilarious as you’d expect:

Paul Rudd isn’t the only one shining his dancing shoes in the music-themed gag reel; Michael Peña gets in on the action, too. Here’s hoping for a Scott Lang/Luis dance-off in Ant-Man and the Wasp!

Rudd is clearly the main joker on set though, also seen in his interactions with Michael Douglas. No wonder the seasoned actor would be happy to reprise his role in the sequel!

The Ant-Man DVD and Blu-ray hit shelves on December 8. On top of the gag reel, deleted and extended scenes, there are some great special features to look forward to.

In “Let’s Go to the Macroverse” featurette, we get an inside look into how the filmmakers created the world as seen from Ant-Man’s perspective. There’s also “WHIH NewsFront,” a mock newsreel “including a glimpse at the future of Pym Technoligies with Darren Cross” and an interview with Scott Lang.

And of course there’s the audio commentary with Rudd and director Peyton Reed, which should be a hoot!

We’ll just leave this here: