Good news: There’s even more ghostbusting coming your way when Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters is released on Blu-ray.

Not only are early reviews giving great scores to Ghostbusters, but there’s even more footage of the fearless female foursome coming with the Blu-ray!

Paul Feig tells Collider that there’s already an extended cut ready to go, saying, “The editor’s first cut was 4 hours and 15 minutes, and I trimmed that down to a slim 3 and a half hours (laughs).”

Related: Will the success of Ghostbusters be measured by its ability to please male critics?

It seems like the extended cut will be more focused on the characters’ journeys. Feig says, “We generate a lot of stuff and I always wanna have all the underpinnings of a big, emotional story, and because of that it just added a lot of extra scenes that as you’re going through, you know you have to make a lot of choices because I knew I had to bring this down under two hours.”

When it came to trimming the movie to its cinematic runtime (which is two hours and five minutes), “You just start weeding and saying, ‘What do people want to delve deeper into and what do we wanna just kind of skirt through and get to the fun parts?'” And based on the reviews, the movie certainly is fun — but we’re still looking forward to seeing the extra character stuff!

Ghostbusters opens in theaters on Thursday, July 15. The movie stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth.