Parks and Recreation may have ended two years ago, but we are still obsessed with Leslie Knope and her lovable band of office misfits. Here are eight of our favorite, classic Parks and Rec moments.

With so many series going on and off of Netflix, and all the limited downloads for those that aren’t blessed with unlimited data plans, it’s good to know that there’s a staple that’s been there through it all. It’s been two years since we said goodbye to Pawnee, IN and the charming, dysfunctional family at the heart of the NBC comedy, but we can’t help but check in from time to time and remind ourselves of the pure joy and snark that April, Andy, Leslie, Donna, Ron, Tom, Ann, Ben, Chris, and Gary/Jerry/Larry/Terry brought time and time again.

Check out eight of our most favorite moments. Some are classics that we keep loaded in our gif keyboards just waiting for the right time to unleash them, while others will make you run to the nearest Netflix-capable device to watch the whole episode in its entirety.

Here are 8 truly classic ‘Parks and Rec’ moments:

1. 4×07, “The Treaty”: Leslie takes things a little too far

Leslie is nothing if not a little bit competitive, and if you add in the pain of a semi-broken heart, she takes no prisoners.

2. 4×11, “The Comeback Kid”: “Get On Your Feet”

In one of the most effective displays of underdog mentality, Leslie Knope’s campaign announcement for her run at Pawnee City Council does not go as planned, but her team never gives up.

3. 3×02, “The Flu Season”: I’m doing cartwheels

The true test to determine whether you are sick or not should always be whether you are actually performing the cartwheels in the flesh, or if they’re only in your head.

4. 4×12, “Campaign Ad”: That is one cute kid

Leslie Knope was a better candidate in grade school than Bobby Newport could ever be. Thank goodness her and Ben found a compromise that worked for her campaign ad.

5. 3×16, “Li’l Sebastian”: Bye, Bye Li’l Sebastian!

If you can watch this moment and not end up singing this song for the rest of the day, congratulations, that is one resilient mind you have there.

6. 5×10, “Two Parties”: One hell of a Bachelor party

This is one of those that you might have to go watch in its entirety, cause while its hilarious to watch Ron be horrified by the crazy bar Tom takes them too, the whole night of Bachelor party shenanigans is well worth the re-watch.

7. 4×09, “The Trial of Leslie Knope”: Ron vs. the Internet

Ron Swanson. Hero. Carpenter. Libertarian. Enemy of anything that gathers personal information and uses it for their own gain, even if that enemy is a host of internet ads.

8. 3×13, “The Fight”: One drink, many victims

Oh, Snake juice. You brought us a truly epic fight between Leslie and Ann, as well as numerous drunken moments from just about everyone we could possibly hope for.

We know we missed a few, so make sure to let us know what your favorite Parks and Rec moments are that we left off the list. You can never have too much Parks and Rec!