While Transformers: Age of Extinction is headed to theaters next week, Paramount Pictures is planning ahead with Transformers 5 hitting theaters in 2016.

Today Paramount Pictures has announced their lineup for the next two years. The announcement included over a dozen films, nearly all which are sequels, but a few that should get fans excited.

Their lineup for 2015:

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
The Gambler
Mission: Impossible 5
Project Almanac
Terminator: Genesis
Friday the 13th 3D

Their lineup for 2016:

Transformers 5
GI Joe 3
Star Trek 3
Hansel and Gretel 2
Paranormal Activity 5
Ben Hur
Beverly Hills Cop 4

Originally Transformers 5 had been set to hit theaters in 2017, but it seems they’ve bumped it up a year. Despite the film’s previous sequel being critically panned, fans have been fairly excited about Age of Extinction, which hits theaters June 27.

There are a couple other films we’re very interested in. Star Trek 3 will be hitting theaters in 2016 with a new director, but we’ll also be seeing Beverly Hills Cop 4 with Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy’s last sequel was back in 1994, so we’re interested to see what the fourth film will look like.

A surprising sequel that was announced is Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2, starring Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton. This film was destroyed by critics and only made $50 million domestically, but where it surprised everyone was in the international market where it pulled in $170 million.

If you’ve seen the film you’re probably just as curious as us as to why the studio would risk another box office flop, but apparently Paramount thinks they can grab that international market a second time. We’re unsure if Renner will still be involved considering his success with The Avengers and Bourne Legacy, but he may have a contract with Paramount that will force him to film the sequel.

Another film we’re interested in seeing is Terminator: Genesis, mostly because Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke has been cast as Sarah Connor in Paramount Pictures’ Terminator reboot.

Clarke will be playing Sarah Connor, a role made popular by Linda Hamilton in 1984′s The Terminator. Clarke is well known as Daenerys Targaryen in the incredibly popular Game of Thrones series on HBO.

Let us know which Paramount Pictures’ films you’re most interested in seeing over the next two years.