Paper Towns is set to hit theaters on June 16, 2015. Until then, I want to remain spoiler free from anything that has to do with the film. Here’s why!

Just over a week ago I opened the Instagram app on my phone and there they were, the black Santas. It was at this moment I realized, I do not wish to know anything about the Paper Towns movie until I can see it in completion.

After it was announced that The Fault in Our Stars adaptation was a go, I was overwhelmed with mixed feelings. Thoughts of seeing certain scenes brought to life left me excited (Amsterdam), while others made me want to crawl in a ball and vow never to see the movie (the gas station).

As an avid Vlogbrothers and John Green fan, I did not take any time off from watching each of Green’s Tuesday trips through the TFiOS set or sit out on his FIFA AFC Wimbly Wombly games where he answered questions about Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. I casually noted the growing bond between Green and Nat Wolff via Green’s Twitter feed and gave a double tap to the images from set.

By the time the Green brothers’ annual Project for Awesome rolled around, production was pretty much over and the promotional materials, including the official poster, began to make their debut. Soon enough it was time for screenings to start.

I was lucky enough to attend a screening in May and though I was still nervous about sitting in a room full of people who would, undoubtedly, see me shed one or a million tears, I felt a bit relieved that it was about to be over. Before the film’s opening notes began, all the feelings of anticipation waiting to see Shai and Ansel first lay eyes on each other were gone. I already saw them intertwined enough on Twitter. I’d seen enough photos and heard enough buzz from Green’s set visits being in “the moment” that I felt my expectations were already met for the eulogy scene and the introduction of Van Houten.

Over the course of the filming process, there were plenty of disclaimers from Green endorsing the changes from the book to film. They were typically followed by assurances that the differences were better than anything he could have written in the first place. None of that mattered to me then; I had the backstage pass to the set and nothing could be better. If it was good enough for John Green, then it was going to be good enough for me. By the time the credits rolled and I wiped my eyes dry, my thoughts, for the most part, aligned with Green’s commentary.

However, this is an opinion I do not wish to have premeditated this time around.

When it was announced that Paper Towns was next in line for a film deal, and it seemed real this time, I was ecstatic. Paper Towns is clever, it’s witty, and Q and Radar are two of my favorite Green characters. (Tiny Cooper shall never be dethroned.)

It’s been a long road for the Paper Towns film. The picture featured for this article is a capture from a Vlogbrothers’ video filmed in 2009, when Green was first tapped to write a draft of the Paper Towns screenplay. (Note the black Santa!) Five years later, following the success of TFiOS, my shelved enthusiasm for a Paper Towns adaption is dusty, but alive and well.

Green will serve as an executive producer for Paper Towns, meaning he is bound to be more present on set. He wants to share his excitement, and has every right to, as he witnesses another of his creations come to life. But his excitement can be contagious, as I learned with TFiOS. For now, I am taking myself out of the Paper Towns news cycle and waiting for opening night. I will be spending my time on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and perhaps, most Tuesdays on YouTube, living John Green-free.

If you are so inclined to get a look behind the scenes of Paper Towns, be sure to keep up on all of Hypable’s excellent coverage:

Paper Towns begins filming, popular vlogger shares video, photos from set

First look: Here are the black Santas in the Paper Towns movie

Paper Towns casts Quentin’s friends Radar, Lacey, and Ben

Paper Towns hits theaters June 16, 2015.