The best TV quotes of the week are highlighted every Saturday on Hypable. If you want to know what was funny, sad, or snarky on TV this week, look no further.

Did your favorite show bring on the funny, the memorable, or the meta this week with quotable TV quotes? Did you laugh out loud from the words of the resident “joke machine”? Will you be making a meme from what your favorite characters said? Are their words destined to end up on a t-shirt or coffee mug?

So, check it out, and see if our picks for favorite TV quotes of the week match your favorite TV quotes of the week!

We want to include your fandom. If we missed something, you can make sure your favorite TV quotes of the week are featured in the future by giving a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion of the latest episode.


Jenny Murray: “And if your life is a suitable exchange for my honor, tell me why my honor is not a suitable exchange for your life. Are you telling me I may not love you as much as you love me? Because if you are, Jamie Fraser, I’ll tell you right now, it’s not true.”

After being at odds after not seeing each other for four years, Jamie and Jenny finally put aside past and present differences, and make up at their father’s graveside.

‘Once Upon a Time’

Robin Hood: “This is madness.”

Robin Hood’s reaction mirrored our own in the disbelief of the never ending twists and turns that his and Regina’s lives have taken. On top of everything else, we are now led to believe that Robin unwittingly fathered a child with Zelena who disguised herself as Marian after killing Marian. No this isn’t Days of Our Lives meets General Hospital; apparently it’s still Once Upon a Time.

‘Game of Thrones’

Littlefinger: “Terrible things happen to your family and you weep. You sit alone in a darkened room mourning their fates. You’ve been a bystander to tragedy from the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander, do you hear me? Stop running. There’s no justice in the world. Not unless we make it. You loved your family; avenge them.”

Book Fans are now holding on wondering what is happening in the very not-in-the-novels story arc that is playing out between Littlefinger and Sansa. Will Sansa be Littlefinger’s pawn who reclaims the North from the Boltons by stabbing them in the back, or will the vicious Boltons prove too much for her? For that matter, will Sansa turn on the Boltons and ultimately be Littlefinger’s undoing?

On page 2: ‘The Originals,’ ‘The Following,’ and ‘The Flash’

‘The Originals’

Klaus: “In my experience, an offer from a malevolent witch always comes with a catch. What’s yours?”

It doesn’t matter if the show is The Originals, Once Upon a Time, or The Exorcist; Klaus is universally on target here.

‘The Following’

Joe Carroll: “Quoth the raven…nevermore.”

Joe’s final departure couldn’t have been accompanied by a better quote. These were his last words, and as obsessed with Poe as he had been, we truly expected nothing less than a profound statement. In this final scene, we were even a little sad to see Joe go.

‘The Flash’

Cisco Ramon: “I have to say, I’m really digging the brighter red suit. And the white on the symbol? That’s dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we’re living in a causal nexus. This — wow. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy.”

After Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin come across Harrison Wells’ newspaper from 2024, Cisco starts contemplating the consequences of time travel.

On page 3: ‘iZombie,’ ‘Arrow,’ and ‘Supernatural,’


Liv: “The press will have a field day!”

Clive: “No comment. Just practicing. My lieutenant is making me write it a hundred times on the chalkboard, like Bart Simpson.”

Liv and Clive investigate the cottage owned by this week’s dead girl’s parents. When Liv references the press, it strikes a nerve, as Clive was recently sidelined by a Seattle reporter.


Felicity Smoak: “If you’re going to keep going out into the field, we should really design you some sort of–.”

John Diggle: “Don’t say costume.”

Felicity Smoak: “Okay…identity concealment.”

Diggle has been going out in the field in the three weeks since they lost Oliver to the League of Assassins. When Felicity begins to suggest Diggle get his own costume, though, Diggle is not having it.


Sam Winchester: “My mom died when I was a baby. It’s okay, I got to know her later in life, and yeah, I suppose we got along okay. In this line of work, death isn’t always goodbye.”

Only on Supernatural does it make sense that a character could get to know his deceased mother later in life.

On page 4: ‘Elementary,’ ‘Orphan Black,’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’


Sherlock Holmes: “The great love of my life is a homicidal maniac. No one is perfect.”

Sherlock takes a moment with Detective Bell to make sure that his friend is not resorting to isolation due to his daily interactions with Holmes. As it turns out, Sherlock and Bell have a bit more in common than they realize, including their odd choices of women.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Owen Hunt: ” We’re supposed to feel. We’re supposed to… Love… And hate… And hurt… And grieve and break and… Be destroyed and… Rebuild ourselves to be destroyed again. That is human.”

Amelia Shepherd has pushed down enough grief and sorrow for a lifetime and finally it becomes too much to handle. Backing away from turning to drugs as she has often done in the past, Owen is there to provide a shoulder to cry on and arms to pick her back up from the bottom.

‘Orphan Black’

Helena: “Where are these mangoes? I would like to see these mangoes.”

It’s hard to tell if Helena is actually, literally interested in the mangoes, if she’s just trying to divert attention from being interrogated, or if the hallucinated scorpion is distracting her. It doesn’t really matter. Sooner or later the casualties on the Castor base will be high if Helena has anything to do with it.

Which were your favorite quotes this week?