Brace yourselves, Sassenachs — Starz has released the full length trailer for Outlander season 4 and it’ll make you even more excited for the next chapter of the story!

The stakes have always been high for Jamie and Claire, but when Outlander season 4 returns in just a few months, it’ll find our favorite couple treading waters in new terrain.

The newest season of Starz’s time traveling romance drama finds the Frasers sailing off to the new world. Like many of America’s first colonizers they’re coming, as Claire puts it, “hoping to live the America dream.”

Anyone who knows their history as well as Claire does will know that living out the American dream and leaving a lasting legacy for their daughter to feel later won’t be easy. In fact, as the trailer goes on, we see tensions start to rise in 18th century America as the American Revolution looms on the horizon.

Elsewhere back in Claire’s own time, their daughter Bree is inching closer to figuring out whether or not her parents ever ended up reuniting after Claire chose to go back in time to Jamie.

When Roger uncovers an important piece of information, Bree finds herself following in Claire’s footsteps.

There’s a shot right at the end of the trailer that features Bree, dressed in 18th century garb, stepping up to touch the fated stones that would send her traveling through time. But it’s not Bree gearing up to travel through time that’s got Outlander fans in a tizzy, so much as the voice of a deceased character offering some choice words.

Just before the trailer wraps, you can clearly hear the phrase “Sometimes life takes unexpected turns,” uttered by none other than Tobiaz Menzies.

Menzies of course played both Claire’s first husband Frank, and his notorious descendant Captain Jack Randall. Though we don’t ever see the actor during the trailer, his distinct voice is clearly heard.

There’s currently no word on whether Menzies will return or Bree will feel his presence in another way, but it’s definitely an interesting concept to be setting up!

Check out the newest trailer for Outlander season 4 below!

Outlander returns with all new episodes to Starz on Sunday, November 4 at 8 p.m.