There are a slew of new cast members joining the Outlander family for season 4 — one of which is bound to make fans of Lord of the Rings extremely happy!

According to, actors Billy Boyd, Caitlin O’Ryan, Natalie Simpson, Tim Downie, and Simona Brown have all signed on to appear in Outlander season 4.

In addition to letting us in on new cast members joining the family, Starz also revealed which characters each of the newly cast actors will be playing.

First up, Billy Boyd (who many will recognize from his work on Lord of the Rings) will be playing Gerald Forbes. Gerald is a wealthy lawyer who resides in Cross Creek. Expect to see him share some poignant scenes with Jocasta Cameron (Maria Doyle Kennedy) who is one of his most prominent clients!
ie Simpson who is taking over the role of Phaedre.

Speaking of Jocasta Cameron, she’ll have a new maid and seamstress in her life played by actress Natal
Meanwhile Simon Brown and Caitlin O’Ryan will be playing, Gayle and Lizzie, respectively. We’ll be meeting both characters back in Claire’s original timeline thorough Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Brianna.

Gayle is Brianna’s best friend and college roommate, while Lizzie is a Scottish woman who sets off on a grand adventure with Brianna.

Finally, Tim Downie will be playing the role of Governor William Tyron. He’s described as a former British officer whose important family connections help him become governor.

Fans looking forward to seeing all of these new faces pop up in the context of Outlander season 4 will have to hang on just a bit longer to do so.

As we reported earlier this month, the new season of the hit series won’t hit Starz until sometime in November.

We may be suffering the effects of Draughtlander, but at least the network is keeping our thirst quenched with exciting announcements like this one!