Outlander season 1, episode 7 just aired. Finally, the moment everyone was waiting for at last took place: the wedding.

Going to the chapel, and we’re…

Though neither Jamie nor Claire, up until now, has shown each other any overt signs that they were interested in each other, they are forced into marriage to save Claire from the clutches of Black Jack Randall. The reality is they aren’t ready at that moment to admit fully to themselves that the wedding is something they each in their own way welcomes.

Kiss and tell

Before Jamie and Claire end up consummating the marriage to make it official, they spend an hour talking and getting to know each other. Their chat session eases the tension between them until Rupert and Angus burst into the room to see if they have done the deed yet. With little else left, Jamie and Claire decide to get it over with, and the results are interesting. After a kiss that lets Claire know Jamie was just a virgin and not a monk, Jamie tells her that if he needs instruction, he’ll ask. It’s not exactly all romance and candles. On the other hand, most people’s first time isn’t exactly smooth sailing. On the bright side, Jamie got “tab a into slot b” only minorly crushing Claire. Alas, he finished pretty quickly.

Pillow talk take 1

After their first time, Claire asks Jamie if it was what he thought it would be like. He probably could have used a few pointers, because he answers reluctantly that he thought things were generally not done face-to-face. It’s then Claire’s turn to answer Jamie’s question about his performance. At first Jamie thinks that she didn’t like it, and what his friends told him was true, women don’t like sex and want it to be done soon. A troubled Claire admits to a relieved Jamie that she enjoyed herself. She feels as if she betrayed Frank and flees the room, which is a very bad idea, as all Jamie’s friends are downstairs making lewd comments.

Getting to know you take 2

After Jamie rejoins Claire in their room with a stash of food, he recounts what happened downstairs where he withstood the teasing from friends. Claire starts to warm up to Jamie after he tells her that he told Dougal he was entirely under her spell. He also lets her know all that he did to make sure it was as beautiful of a wedding as possible. Lastly, he lovingly caresses her and talks about her appearance with endearments in Gaelic and English. Claire, who has up until now been shrugging Jamie’s advances off, is turned on.

Girls just want to have fun

This all leads to an assertive Claire demanding to see Jamie fully naked. After an “I showed you mine, now you show me yours” session, a far more finessed and fiercely passionate love making session where Claire plays the teacher occurs. Jamie can now check female orgasm 101, and being on the receiving end of oral sex, off his, “what I learned on my honeymoon” list.

Danger still lurks

Claire leaves a sleeping Jamie, and goes downstairs to get more food. She meets Dougal, who tells her that Captain Randall has been informed that she is now married and therefore a Scot. Randall cannot interrogate her, and he’s very unhappy about that, but he’s going to do nothing about it for the moment so as not to risk a clan rising. At the same time, Dougal lets Claire know that he is attracted to her.

Hit me baby one more time

Claire comes back to the room. The two of them make love one last time with Jamie’s plaid wrapped around them as they are in a sitting position. About the only thing that hasn’t happened this evening is Claire experiencing oral sex, and die hard book fans may have a problem with that.

Haunted by the past

As Jamie leaves their room to go down to breakfast, he tells Claire to get dressed and not to be long. As she shakes out her clothes, her wedding ring from Frank falls to the floor. She puts the ring on her right hand, and looks at her two rings with despair as the scene fades to black.