Outlander means nothing is ever easy. Life and death situations were faced by more than one person this week.

The Watch arrives

In Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) absence, it seems that Jenny (Laura Donnelly) and Ian (Steven Cree) have been paying the 18th century equivalent of Mafia protection. The Watch, save for its leader, MacQuarrie (Douglas Henshall), is a group of ruffians who collect protection money, and offer their services to keep estates safe from British raids. While the British have been kept at bay, the members of The Watch, in Jamie’s view, are just as troublesome.

A quick thinking Jenny hides Jamie’s identity from The Watch. She claims that he is her cousin, and Jamie again uses the moniker of Jamie McTavish. Although the Fraser tenants would not think of handing Jamie over to British for the price on his head, there is no certainty that The Watch would be as scrupulous.

Jenny in danger

The fact is that many 18th century women died in childbirth due to a variety of things that are easily handled by modern medicine. One such complication that affected Jenny and other women was that of a breech birth. Depending on the skill of the midwife, and other factors, a breech birth could mean death for the mother, the child, or both. Jenny goes into a prolonged labor knowing that she might not survive it.

When Jenny goes into labor, she asks Claire not to reveal the information to Ian and Jamie that she will have a breech birth. They have The Watch to worry about, and she doesn’t want them worrying about her when they will be unable to do anything to help her in any case. Ultimately, with Claire’s help, Jenny gives birth to a healthy daughter who she names Margaret, a.k.a. Maggie.

Horrocks again

Horrocks shows up as a member of The Watch. At first he hides Jamie’s identity from his colleagues since Jamie previously paid him for information. However, once he realizes that Jamie is actually the Laird of the house at which The Watch is staying, Horrocks goes in for a spot of blackmail instead.

Horrocks’ continued silence, and supposedly a passage to America, was initially to be paid by Jamie giving up all of his inheritance money. Horrocks, on the other hand, gets greedy after Jamie pays him and demands more. Before Jamie can take any action, Ian sneaks up behind Horrocks and runs him through with a sword.

Previously, Jenny had related to Claire how Ian had vowed always to defend Jamie’s weaker side. A visibly shaken Ian, who hasn’t killed a man since the wars in France, helps Jamie to hide the body. Although he’s now a cripple with one leg, Ian still has his Laird’s and best friend’s back.

Not quite getting away with murder

Although Jamie and Ian weren’t observed in the killing and disposal of Horrocks, his fellow members of The Watch have noticed Horrocks’ absence. MacQuarrie, not being a stupid man, quickly put together the fact that Horrocks seemed to know Jamie, Jamie’s superior skills as a warrior, and the implausible McTavish story. Bottom line, he accuses Jamie and Ian of doing away with Horrocks for reasons unknown.

Although Ian begins to admit what happens, Jamie cuts him off and takes full responsibility for Horrocks’ death. He also goes one step farther by revealing who he is, and stating that Horrocks deserved it. He finishes off with a smug “so what are you going to do about it” look which results in the tension being broken, and MacQuarrie agreeing that Horrocks needed killing. Jamie and Ian don’t quite get off scot-free as MacQuarrie is now a man short for an upcoming raid. Jamie and Ian agree to take part in the raid to settle up any perceived debt they owed to MacQuarrie for rendering him a man short.

Not all ends well

Although Jenny’s life and death situation turns out fine, the men are not so fortunate. The raid goes badly. It was actually a double-cross ambush set up by Horrocks. The British were lying in wait for The Watch. Two men were killed outright, Ian and another escape, and Jamie and MacQuarrie were likely captured, as MacQuarrie was wounded and Jamie would not leave a wounded man behind.

Do Jamie and Claire seem cursed to you on ‘Outlander’?